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I turned quickly, hair slapping my cheeks. I got into a defensive stance, not wanting to risk being off guard. I was so surprised to have found him so close, I didn't even use my gift to figure out what he was doing.

Bad move.

He realized I was facing him, but didn't try to attack or run. I considered yelling for backup in case he did something unpredictable, but didn't want to risk scaring him off.

I stared at him, and he looked back with a fractured, insane-looking gaze. I was startled by the change in this man and the cold, calculating person I had fought not moments before. Of course, I didn't show it.

He murmured something unintelligible, and I leaned forward warily.

"What?" He spoke again, and I could barely make out words. Finally, I deciphered what he had said. It's already begun. Was he trying to warn me about something?

I looked up at him, the slightest bit of a question appearing on my face.

Then, he toppled backwards.

Right over the edge of the building.

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