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I drew in a sharp breath and stepped back, looking anywhere but at him. "I'm sorry, that was out of line. You should, uhh... "  I made slight pathetic motions with my hand towards the still-open door.

Logan shook his head. "Annalise, don't make me go."

"Logan, I don't think we can- I mean, in the office..."

"I can make it work. Please, I-" He was cut off by a shrill beeping. Logan looked down to unclip his pager from his belt. He frowned slightly, looking disappointed at whoever wanted him.

"Sorry. Gillingham. Special assignment." He leaned forward and pecked me on the cheek, then bolted out the door.

I leaned out of the doorframe, and watched him sprint down the hallway. When he was fully out of sight, I walked back into my apartment, closing the door behind me. I went into my bedroom, sitting on my bed, tracing my lips with my fingers.

He's the first to know who I am, what I can do, and not think I'm crazy.

Is this real?

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