The Date

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Emily POV:
Steve takes me to this place in Little Italy. It's perfect. It is a small place playing old fashioned music. We both order spaghetti and meatballs. While waiting for our food, this amazing slow song comes on. I look at Steve who is staring at me with his gorgeous smile and beautiful blue eyes. I smile back and say, "Care to dance?"
He looks extremely nervous and says, " I... I.. don't know how"
"Come one I'll teach you." I extend my hand and Steve takes it. We move towards the middle of the floor and Steve says, "I'm sorry in advance if I step on your toes."
I chuckle and say, "You're doing great Steve."
I lay my head of his chest and listen to Steve's heartbeat. I've never felt so in love.

Steve POV:
Emily is so gorgeous. How did I ever get so lucky.
We start dancing and she lays her head down on my chest. Emily is the perfect girl. She has everything. I lay my head down on her head and we dance until our food comes. We sit back down and I look at Emily and say, "How did I get so lucky? I mean you are perfect. I love you so much."
Emily looks up and blushes, "Steve, I love you. The last time I felt this in love was with......"
"Hey, it's okay. I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere." I grab her hand and rub my thumb over her hand. We finish our dinner and we start walking towards Central Park.

Emily POV:
We head to Central Park and I hold on to Steve's arm. We laugh and are so in love. We finally arrive at Central Park. We start walking around when we find a bench and sit down. Steve runs his hand on my leg, and I rest my head on his shoulder. Steve kisses me on the head. We look at each other and kiss. "I love you Steve Rogers."
"Emily Stark, I love you more." Steve says and pecks me on the lips. Steve looks at his watch and says, "I better get you home. It's 10:50. If I bring you home later, Tony will kill me if I bring you home late."
"You don't have to worry about Tony, Steve." I say. We start heading back towards Stark Towers. I walk in the Tower at 11:00 exactly. Steve walks me up to my room. He kisses me and says "Goodnight." I grab Steve and pull him close to me and I give him a kiss. I open my bedroom door, I jump up on Steve. He puts me down on the bed and takes off his shirt. I take off my jacket and dress. Steve and I kiss very passionately. Steve is awesome at this!

Steve POV:
Wow. Emily is amazing. I think. I haven't had this much fun on a date in years. After about two hours, I roll to the empty side on Emily's bed. Emily nuzzles her head in to my chest. I put my arm around her. Emily says "Steve, I love you and you are amazing."
I look down at her and says, " I love you more. You are amazing." We fall asleep together. Emily and I are going to have a future. I think before I fall asleep.

Tony POV:
I wake up and ask Jarvis, " Where is Emily?"
"Miss Stark is currently residing in her bed."
"What time did she get home?" I ask
"11:00 on the dot." Jarvis says.
Well, Cap brought her home on time.
"Mr. Stark, Mr. Rogers didn't go home last night. " Jarvis says.
"What do you mean?!" I yell
"Mr. Rogers is up in bed with Miss Stark." Jarvis says
I'm gonna kill him. He's dead.
About an hour later Emily walks downstairs with Steve. "What did you two do last night? And why did you sleep in my sister's room??" I ask sternly.
Steve looks at me embarrassed and says, "Tony, it's not what..." I cut him off, "Not what I think?! I think you were having a little too much fun with my sister!"
Emily yells, "Enough Tony! I'm a grown woman! I can't believe that now after all these years you care about me only when I'm dating someone that you don't approve of!"
"Em, I'm just worried about you, that's all." I say. I can tell I made her upset. "Em, I'm sorry." I walk over towards her and I go to grab her shoulder she pulls away and walks towards Steve. She looks at me and says, " If you don't like the idea of Steve and I being together, then I'll move out."
"Em, that's not what I meant." I say
"Screw you Tony!" Emily says as she walks out.

Emily POV:
I can't believe Tony!! I storm out of the room and Steve follows. We head back upstairs and when we get to my bedroom, Steve turns me around and kisses me. We sit down on the bed, Steve holding me, I have my head on his shoulder when we hear a knock on the door. "May I come in?" Tony asks.
Steve gives me a slight nod and I say, "Sure."
Tony enters, he looks at Steve, "I will give you two a minute." Steve says as he leaves the room. Tony comes over to me and says, "Em, I'm so sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt again. I am just trying to protect you."
I am balling my eyes out, "If you are trying to protect me then where were you when I needed you over in Iraq or when Jake's brother trashed me on live television? You weren't there! You never were! You weren't there when I had a miscarriage...." Oh shit what did I do.

Tony POV:
Emily's words hit me hard. She is right I was never there for her. I hear her say miscarriage. "What about a miscarriage?" I ask her.
She looks at me so upset and says, " I... I was pregnant with Jake's child when we went over to Iraq. I was going to tell him when we got back, but, well you know. The doctor said the baby would have never survived the explosion. I could've had a son Tony. I had a blood test to find out the gender before I went over. The results were in when I came back. I was having a boy."
Emily's words break my heart. Steve then walks in. Emily looks at Steve and says panicked "Steve! I was going to tell you! I just didn't know when! Please don't be mad!"
Steve walks over to her and gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead, "Shh. It's okay. I am not mad at you. I could never imagine going through what you went through."
Wow. Steve really is the perfect guy for Emily.
I look at Steve consoling Emily, they  kiss and I walk out of the room.

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