Family Makes 4

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Emily POV:
It took us about 10 minutes to get home. And in those 10 minutes I managed to have 100 pins on Pinterest for baby nursery ideas. I guess you can say I'm a little excited. We pull into Stark Towers and I give Happy the keys to go park the car. Steve and I still have huge smiles on our faces. We both step into the elevator with our hands intertwined. We step out and hear, "Surprise!" I look and see Natasha, Clint, Banner, Tony and Pepper. I am shocked and I say, "Guys! You didn't have to do this!" Tony comes over to me and says, "Yes I did. Anything for my favorite sister." Steve shakes Tony's hand and says, "Thank you Tony."
Natasha and Pepper come over to me and give me a hug. I see Steve taking with Clint, Tony and Bruce. Tony interrupts us and says, "I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving! Let's eat! Especially you Miss Emily, you are eating for two now." I look over at Steve and we both give a little chuckle. I look back at Tony and say, "Actually I'm eating for three."
Everyone one looks back at me, Steve walks over to me and says, "You guys heard her, we are having twins."

Tony POV:
Did I hear Steve right? TWINS??
"What? You're... TWINS?"
I hear Pepper laugh and then she runs over to Emily and says, "That is great! I am so happy for you guys!!"
Natasha walks over to Emily and gets eye level with her belly and says, "Now we have 2 little Natasha's that are going to be running around."
Emily looks at Natasha and says, "You too? Come one their boys." Emily then walks over to me and says, "Tony are you alright?"
I look at her and I say, "Yeah I'm just a little shocked that's all. Now there's going to be 2 Rogers running around instead of one. I can't wait to be an Uncle." I kiss the top of Emily's head.
Pepper looks at everyone and says, "Let's eat!!"

Steve POV:
Everyone is so happy for Emily and I. I can't wait for May 1st, I'm gonna be a dad. We are eating at the dinner table when Tony brings up the gender thing. Tony says, "Em, you are totally having one of each. I'm never wrong."
Emily says, "Well this time you are going to be wrong. They are 2 boys."
Clint then says, "I agree with Emily, 2 boys."
Nat looks at me and says, "Nope Cap has it right. 2 girls."
I then look at Bruce and Pepper, who have yet given their input. "What about you two?"
Pepper looks at Emily and says, "Sorry sis, you having 2 girls."
"Come on Pep, I thought you were on my side?" Tony says, he then looks at Bruce and says, "What about you big guy?"
Bruce hesitantly says, " 2 boys. You are having 2 boys."
"Well let's take a count. 2 boys- 3/ 2 girls- 3/ One of each- 1" Emily says, she looks at me and says, " The woman in the relationship is always right."
I look at her and say, "Then that explains why Tony always thinks that he's right."
Tony says, "Hey! Watch it Capsicle!"
We all laugh and continue eating our dinner.

Emily POV:
Wow. Our little ones are going to have one heck of a family. I can't wait to meet you guys.

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