chapter (1) the smell of herbs and lemongrass

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'Tap tap tap tap'

Your fingers tapped the top of the table in front of you. You have been waiting for about 20 minutes for your friend. It was a type of hang out day for you and her today at that cute little coffee shop that was in the middle of town. The shop was called ' spider cakes' it was an odd name for a coffee shop but what did you expect if the shop was named by a monster? Spider one at that. Anyway you continue to tap your fingers on the wooden table in front of you it was made of some type of wood or stone you couldn't tell but it was a purplish color. Then you reached to the side of the table where your (h/C) beverage sat and you took a sip of the relaxing liquid. Closing your eyes enjoying the flavor. Once you're done drinking that wonderful drink he looked at your watch and noticed it had been a half an hour since you've talked to your friend on the phone that is. You also noticed you've finished your drink and you knew she wasn't coming. You decided to throw away the cup in hope not to leave a mess. You got up and quickly grabbed all the items you left at the table which was your phone car keys your bag and a mini cake that came with your coffee. The mini cake was wrapped in a purple wrapping lined with fake spiders and they smelled like grapes which was utterly adorable. You smiled while you glanced at the cake then you left leaving a tip on the table. After leaving the tip on the table you left letting the sun shine down on your face causing it to get hot. You smelled the cool air but started to Breeze past you and it smelled faintly of lemongrass. It was a perfect day nothing could ruin it you weren't going to stay inside a coffee shop all day that's for sure.

( 3 hours later)

Your friend hadn't texted you for a while you were getting a little bit worried but you tried not to stress yourself. So you tried to numb your mind with some social media. Frankly all you saw on there was garbage and it was mostly drama which sucked. So you turned off your computer. You didn't know what compelled you but you really wanted to look out your window for some odd reason. what you saw was odd to the point of complete confusion. There sitting on the corner of the street was the skeleton. Hasn't been the oddest thing I've ever seen but there's something... Different about it. It had a shiny golden tooth one glowing red eye and a smile that stretched across its face it looked like it was bending it's cheekbone. It was strange ... 'I wonder what it's name is. He looks like a Charles' the idea of him being named that made you giggle of how scary he looks.


You phone pinged...which means you got a message. You quickly glanced at your phone and you realised that it was your friend... 'FINALLY' you were mentally yelling.

Y/n:where are you?! (2:00 x/x/x)

DUDE!! I'm so Sorry!! I saw a hottie and...yeah got sidetracked :(  :Jenny


You rolled your eyes, this was the norm. In all honesty you weren't suprized.
You looked out the window again....and he was gone.
To be continued...

a broken Songbird (underfell sans X reader)Where stories live. Discover now