chapter (6) brake check

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in the bathroom I was wiping my eyes making sure there was no trace of the sadness that cursed my dreams. There was no way something like that could happen. It just didn't make any sense or did it? Sure I had no idea who this dude was but there was that small fear in the back of my head that my dream was a warning of some sort.
Hoping to leave the bad ideas behind, Quickly I splashed my face getting rid of any other Trace of the runny makeup that I had on. Making sure I had nothing wrong I quickly made my way out of the bathroom hoping not to cause a scene. Finally making it back to my seat however I noticed it was empty with no sign of the skeletal man that was with me. Great my date bailed on me.

Plopping back down onto the booth I hear a crunch of paper underneath my hips. I quickly got up from the booth examining the area where I sat and noticed a neatly folded piece of paper with a small drawing of sans's face. Unfolding the piece of paper and examining its Contents I realize but my date did not bail on me but had a family emergency across town and he would be back in 10 minutes. Confused I sat back down and decided to wait. He must have had a crazy Uber or some sort of magical powers because no one could get to that side of town and that quickly. Also for that matter come back in a timely manner as well.
I tried not to think too hard about it considering a mild headache was accompanying my confusion. Groaning slightly I ripped my temples and closed my burning eyes. In all honesty half of me was hoping that he actually bailed on me so I could go home and forget about the stupid idea of a date. However the small part of me was begging for him to come back and then embrace me with his feather-like touch that didn't fit him at all.

(San's POV)

A nervous feeling was pitted in my bones the moment she left the table. I feared for the worst considering she was the closest thing I could have to a normal life. All I ever knew in my life was violence but she was a thing of beauty. after all he enjoyed the feeling of soft skin under his rigid Boney Fingers. Maybe you would taste just as good. Imperial thoughts started to appear within his head surfacing one after another.Quickly willing his mind and not to wander he felt his phone start to ring.
Sans wiping away drool from his gaping mouth, quickly answered it with that nervous feeling in his bones again. "Yello?" I grinned playing off a Carefree attitude. Angry and distorted voice greeted my ears "SANS WERE THE HELL ARE YOU? I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WERE GOING TO PICK ME AND CHARA UP FROM THE AUTO-SHOP AND HOUR AGO" his brother screeched within the receiver. For a moment Sans froze until he realized he had promised to pick up his brother and the human after his car got towed an hour before. Silently cursing to himself he quickly wrote a note and left it on the seat as he made his way out of grillby's. Then using one of his famous shortcuts he made it across town to the auto shop that was suddenly sitting amongst the dying buildings that littered the town.
Despite not having an actual knows he could smell the faint smell of dirt and mildew that seem to grow everywhere around here. Silently groaning to himself he knew this was going to be a long trip.

nother terrifying idea entered my mind. One day my brother will have to meet her and this means I get his disapproving eyes. Also this timeline could possibly mess up by not resetting after my brother would probably violently murder her. In all honesty he wasn't comforted by any of his thoughts after arriving at the pickup point where his two companions stood sighing and frustration he headed over to them. Making sure to put on that fake cheesy smile that everyone adored.

(Y/n pov)

After using almost all the toothpicks in the building I had created a pyramid out of most of them and somehow they had not fallen down. A sense of accomplishment filled my head with encouragement to wait a little longer. As I ordered my third cup of coffee the smell of roasted beans and a hint of something that reminded me of someone else greeted my senses.
This reminded me why I love cafes so much as a smile Grace my face. The comforting Aroma of coffee beans and accents of lavender laced into the air from a humidifier only a few feet away from me made me comforted by the thought of being in such a safe space. All of a sudden the seat next to me shifted like it felt a large amount of weight plop on to it which was strange because I would have to get out of the seat for them to get into it. Because the other side of the booth had a wall and no windows or anything like that to slip into. Surprised by this I quickly look over to the seat and notice Sans is somehow there. He notices my obvious confusion and sticks with a cheesy smile. " sorry doll face I had to take a shortcut" he chuckled taking a sip of my coffee. This is making my cheeks puff out in frustration and embarrassment. As I gently tap his shoulder to make it look like I hit it. he threw his hands up and mock defeat as we continued our lovely date.

( author)
Hey guys long time no read sorry it's been a while I truly have no excuse except laziness and depression. I bet you all can relate but anyway I'm trying to get back into writing and I've been doing a few projects if any of you heard of monster prom that is a part of it it's been taking me quite a few months to actually prepare something so I'll see you guys soon with that peace out.

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