CH - 3 // which is more messier my life or my hair?

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Chapter-3 : which is more messier, my life or my hair?

Sleep. I share an eternal, deeper than the ocean, to the moon and back, beyond the universe love for sleeping!.
I love sleeping to the extent that even if a rocket would crash land in my room I would not be bothered in the middle of my sleep or at least that's what my mother thinks!
Its not just me who's in love even with the thought of sleep all the Jensons are! Oh well except my mom and brother who are thankfully not a victim of the hereditary hibernating chain.!
My rise from bed is just like one of those scenes in the movies where the girl wakes up with a smile as bright as the sun, looking refreshed and oh so energetic as if she had way too many red bulls at once! With cool breeze blowing off her perfectly straight, untangled hair as she opens the purple curtains of her room and welcomes a new day, with butterflies dancing around her head and a smile that could light up the entire New York city ; ready to break into a Michael Bublé song any moment.

Just kidding!

The way I wake up is absolutely NOTHING, nuh-uh, not at all, zilch, like the one you see in those movies! In fact I always find my head waking up on the opposite direction than the one I slept in! Basically where my feet are at night, my head is there in the morning!
My alarm tone is the most annoying, kills-your-brain-cells-type, rooster sound! How cliché of my mom to put a cock-a-doodle-do sound to wake me up! Well of course she knows I would sure as hell NEVER wake up to a lullaby! The sound of my alarm clock is nothing like the one you hear in the movies or in Shaun the sheep! Nope! Its super irritating and makes-you-wanna-throw-the-clock-straight-out-the-window-kinda noise which sounds like multiple poultry animals marching down a parade, as if going to a war with a bunch of monkeys!
Yes my imagination is out of this world.
As much as I wanna destroy, decapitate and bomb that damn alarm clock one day it really helps me to start my stupid day on time!
Anyway the regular routine is that as noise reaches my brain and turns my Taylor Swift concert dreams into a poultry farm I automatically growl and muffle myself under the sheets!
I have mastered in putting off my alarm by stomping my feet on all the buttons thrice so as to make sure it does not snooze again!
For a lack of a better term I'd say I wake up looking like a mess! More like a homeless serial killer who got hit by a truck!
I groan and grunt and stomp my feet on the ground because that's just how my mood is in the morning ; grumpy!.
The first thing I glance at is my 'Winnie the pooh' calendar with several red crosses on it to give myself a reminder of how awfully close 'suicide' a.k.a 'school' is coming! I have to squint my eyes to make out the date on the calendar as there are still remnants of sleep stuck there! Unfortunately the scene is not so pleasing and my eyes bulge straight out from the sockets!

what the actual...!?!!
I run my hands through my beehive like hair and growl like a cave woman with my fists clenched hard!

"Can I die now?"
I muttered under my breath while putting another cross on a digit.
Don't know which is messier my life or my hair?
I tie my hair into a bun and then clutch it with millions of hair clips because neither I'm an expert at making effortless messy bun nor I have the motivation to learn!
I put my headphones on as I brush my teeth glaring at my not so attractive morning reflection in the mirror!.

Music is the 'Bob the builder to my wreck of a life'. Let that sink in.
It instantly puts me in a happy zone and takes my mind off of all the crap in my head! I don't know I listen to music more than I listen to people and for some reason I always find peace and comfort in it. I turn the volume up and feel the rhythm and the beat and let the lyrics diagnose me! I put my playlist on shuffle and my mood starts shuffling too as a random familiar song comes up and now I'm no longer in the real world ; I'm in the music video!
By the time I come out of the shower, music get its job done and I'm no longer a grumpy psycho but a peppy girl with shitload of happiness. Not really!
I decided to dress down and comfy and so I grabbed my regular large size, v- neck navy blue sweatshirt, along with white leggings and brown studded boots and marched downstairs looking for mom. She was in my sister's room helping her pack as she was leaving for college again.
Meet Jessica Joanne Jenson, J3, 19 year old, 3.8 GPA, currently studying at NYU, my perky, zippy, fun-loving, talented, prettier, social hero/super sister!
Everyone's really fond of her in my family, next to her I'm a pipsqueak.! I firmly believe that she's mum's favourite but you can't blame her as me and mom don't gel well! Like seriously we don't get along 300 days in a year! Yet people say I'm just like her. Oh well its opposites attract and similars repel right?!
I do love Jessie! She's a great sister and an amazing person. We share a bond that's crazy awesome! Jess doesn't think that I'm 'uncool' or 'lame' or a 'loser' (obviously something wrong with her brain!)
She understands me and gives me my space. We could talk all night just about anything and everything. The fact that she actually believes in me and my crazy dreams explains that she's filled with nothing but positivity and zippy vibes!
Of course we're NOT your typical soap opera type, filled with nothing but love kinda sisters! We fight like tom and jerry, and I'm not just talking about arguments and pillow fights stuff! Nuh-uh it gets physical and at times we both end up with face scratched, t-shirts torn, clutching and pulling each other's hair, unwilling to let go !

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