It's Just Around The Corner

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Brittney Pov

Chris- Man we ain't never had a normal life

Jeremy- I swear we just been through straight hell

Me- Ain't it I'm only 16 and I've been through more than an 85-year-old man

Chris- That's why I'm so ready to move out and just have a fresh start I swear when we were gone it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders

Me- I'm just so ready to graduate man it's just too much stuff going on

Chris- Yeah it's starting to become too much to handle we then been in pain for the longest

Jeremy- We've had to go through too much but at the end of the day it all made us stronger

Me- It's so much pain built up that it has you thinking where do we go from here like is life really worth living

Chris- If we were to tell somebody our life story they'll just break down in tears man we then been through too fucking much

Jeremy- Bruh all we gotta do is tell them A little five second snippet of our life and they'll break down

Jeremy- Aye y'all hold on I gotta use the bathroom my stomach hurt

Renae- This some goddamn bullshit he got the damn car impounded

Me- What they fussing about dang it five o clock in the morning

Jeremy- Mama said somebody car got impounded

Me- Ooooohhhh Daniel got his car impounded bruh we were just talking about this

Jeremy- I don't know if she was talking about him or not

Chris- Really Jeremy why would she be so upset if it wasn't Daniel

Jeremy- Well man I'm about to go to sleep love y'all

Me- Love you too

Chris- Love you too

Chris- I swear I thought everything was finally getting better I guess it'll never end.

Me- We just have to be strong because in the end all we have is each other

Jeremy- Dang my stomach still hurt

Chris- I thought you was going to sleep

Me- Ain't it now he just all up in the refrigerator

Jeremy- I just came to get some water now get off of my back

Me- We ain't no where near your back, but for real though like grandma used to always say this is the day that the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it we just need to look at all of the positive things and not the negative.

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