Love is Blind Chapter 6

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Christmas wasn't theusual, merry occasion that year. Everyone was acting happy, openingpresents, filling up on turkey and cranberry sauce, singing SantaClaus is Coming to Town til our mouths dried up. But it was allmasking the melancholy aura in the air. The Lancasters were to spendChristmas day and Boxing day with Mom, Graham and I, in knowing thiswould be Hazel's last Christmas. Hazel herself was completelyenjoying the day, but I think both me and her parents could sense shewas longing for Gus, who she never had the chance to celebrate thefestive season with.

We sat in the livingroom, everyone watching Mary Poppins or some shit musical like that,me, browsing the internet with Helen guiding the way. Someone tappedon my shoulder, and I screamed.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Ishouted. "Scared the life out of me!" Mom held my hand to thekitchen.
"Mom," I whispered. "I can walk myself, you know!"

"I know."
"Thenwhat are you doing?"

"Hazel's passed out,sweetie..."
"What?!" I shouted. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"You had your headphones on," She remarked. We stood in silence, as I listened to theambulance pull up, and take Hazel away. A choking noise escaped frommy throat. Mom patted my back.
"It'll all be okay."


I went to bed prettyearly that Christmas. I slept most of the next few days as well, onlysitting up to talk to the Lancasters and Leo. Leo was such a big helpthroughout the week Hazel was in Intensive Care. I don't think Iwould've made it through without him. I barely sipped water, andwould pick at my food. Leo told me to think of Hazel, who was beingfed through a tube, and that forced me to satisfy my appetite.

The day before NewYear's Eve, I decided I was going to throw a party, I had been in myhouse for the last week or so, and hadn't spoken to anyone but Leo,and once, Dakota. I made the invitations on my laptop, with theassistance of Helen. I sent them to Leo, Dakota, Harry, Ellie,Kaitlyn, Seb and a most of Band. Graham wanted to invite his friendstoo, but I came to the conclusion one Ten-Year-Old at my party wasmore than enough.

I didn't really want aparty; I wasn't in the mood, but I felt like we all needed it. I madea big fuss about buying new, clean jeans and getting a shirt ironed.I also brought a new pair of ankle Converses.

Mom knew how importantthis was to me and my friends, and made a large batch of chickendrumsticks, burgers, cheese and tomato pizza, stuffed peppers, salad,donuts, cookies and brownies. Graham helped me take down theChristmas tree, earlier than usual, but it felt wrong to keep it up.Graham also made a production line of paper chains to hang on theceiling.

On New Years Eve, itwas a rush of laying out food, hanging up decorations and answeringRSVPs. At last minute, my Mom announced she was going to light somefireworks to make the party "less boring".
At 9 in theevening, we had our first knock on the door; Kaitlyn. She was pantingheavily, appearing flustered.
"I'm here," She announced,loudly. Mom materialized at my shoulder.
"Kaitlyn, come in, havea cookie!" She exclaimed, dragging her past me.

"Oh, Mrs, um, what isyour name?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Call me Karen!"

"Um, okay, Karen, Iam on a diet," Kaitlyn stuttered, which I have never heard her do,obviously startled by my overbearing Mom. They walked off, just asHarry, Seb and Ellie arrived.

"Hi, Isaac," Sebgreeted, patting my back unintentionally aggressively.

"Isaac," Harrysaid. I felt like he would've nodded his head in acknowledgment.

"Isaac! I think weall need this party!" Ellie came in for a hug, nearly suffocatingme with her Chanel. Only a few months ago, Ellie had a crush on me,so it was slightly awkward. We broke apart, me coughing andspluttering.
"Bloody Hell, Elle. You're gonna blind me with thatcrap!" I felt a light punch on my arm.
"Shut up, Isaac!"

We went inside for 5minutes, until there was a delicate knock on the door, most likelyDakota. She had a sense of elegance and fragility wherever she went.

A lot of Band turnedup, before Leo. When ninety percent of the guest list were present,the party attempted to get in full swing.

DJ Matty P AKA Matthewfrom Band, who was actually a pretty good Disc Jockey, tried to "Getthe party pumping", but failed miserably.
As it neared 12 pm,all the "party" looked like was a few teenagers nibbling pizza.

At ten minutes toMidnight, Mom called us into the kitchen. She had lit the fuse, andthe fireworks were about to begin.





The first bang of thefireworks sent me flying back a bit, but I recovered my balance whenI felt something against my lips. I hoped it was Leo's, and I had afeeling it was. We broke apart, then I shouted:
"Anyone kissing,break apart, Graham is here!"

I perched on thekitchen table for the next five or ten minutes, listening to Oohs andAahs, Bangs and Whooshes.
"It kinda sucked anyway," Leowhispered in my ear when the display was over.
"That wasamazing!" I heard Graham shout.
"So awesome!" Seb exclaimed.


"Grea-" Harrynoticed me. "Nope- it sucked."

I laughed a bit. "Guys,don't worry, I'm used to it," I chuckled, with a hint of sadness inmy voice.

The party did kick offa bit after the fireworks, but I just sat in my armchair, talking toLeo. At one point, Harry, obviously drunk (Although we didn't supplyany alcohol) forced me up to dance. I did, but it was mostly andawkward shuffle. Anyway, Dakota was stealing the show. I couldn't seeher dance, but I could feel the aura of passion and talent radiatingfrom her.

At about 3 am, 2 hoursafter Mom sent Graham to bed, people started to exit.

Ellie had to move Harryout the front door.

"Sorry," Shewhispered as the left, along with Seb and 2 band members.

The final one to leavewas Kaitlyn. She kissed both my cheeks as she departed.
"Thankyou, Isaac."

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