Love is blind Chapter 3

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  By the end of 2 weeks, I had made 5 friends: Harry, Ellie, Dakota, Kaitlyn and Unnamed Mute. I'd decide he was my friend because we sat next to each other in Double Math and Lunch, and he was in Gifted Tech, along with Harry.
Dakota, Harry and UM were all in Band, so I'd decided to tag along with my keyboard. Harry played Alto Saxophone, Dakota the flute and UM had an electric guitar, which was ironic, really, as it was the noisiest instrument in Band. Kaitlyn's boyfriend was a member as well, so she came with us. Ellie, apparently, wrote the music, so she came too.
Kaitlyn was giving me a running commentary. In fact, she'd spent the last fortnight doing that.
"So, we are going in to the Band room, ran by Ms Wilson. She's in her twentie-" Kaitlyn was cut off by Ellie.
"At least she tells us that." Everyone laughed.
"Yes, Ellie dear, she does look minimum sixty. She's short, very short, barely 5 foot. But with her heels, she's minimum 5 foot 6. I wish I was bold enough to wear open-toed shoes." Kaitlyn made a shivery sound. "Ugh. Oh look, it's Sebastian. He's my boyfriend. He's absolutely adorable. He plays the guitar, you see. Seb!" She called to her boyfriend and ran off. I could hear kissing noises.
"Thank the lord I can't see," I laughed, mildly disgusted. Then I remembered it was only 4 months ago, I was like that. I must've looked sad, because UM patted my shoulder. I could tell it was him, as he was very skinny and bony, too much.
"It's okay, mate," comforted Harry.
I'd been to Band twice by that time already, and as the only pianist, I had first chair. It wasn't as difficult as it sounds, playing the keyboard blind. I had braille labels on each of the keys, but I didn't even use them.
My hands glided effortlessly over the keys. I played, and played until my fingers hurt. I played, and played until I could no longer here the music, just hoping for the best. I played, and I played for hours and hours, days and days, weeks and wee- "Isaac!"
"Isaac, dear!"
"Can you hear us?"
I woke up with a start, on a coarse, carpeted floor.
"Where am I?"
"Band. You're in the Band room," said Ellie, gently.
"You were amazing!" Exclaimed Dakota.
"Astounding!" continued Kaitlyn.
"A little too great," said Harry gravely. "You got so worked up, you passed out."
"We can only hope you'll be fine for Saturday!" Saturday was the talk of the school, the event of the century. No-one has stopped talking about it since I got there, really. Dakota wasn't one of the popular kids, but she was Ellie's best friend, so she gets a quick pass to popular-kidom, and her eighteenth, which was the next day, was going to be massive. Every kid in school had been invited. Including me.
"I'm going to stay here for a bit," I announced at four. I decided I could walk to the school reception and get my Mum to pick me up when I'd practiced some more.
I played for a bit more, then finally the dam broke. All the things I've been letting well up inside me for the last four months, came gushing out into a river of sounds. I was sobbing and laughing and playing at the same time. I was a wreck.
I finished on a crescendo, crying into my shirt.
"That was amazing," A voice whispered. I looked around, although I couldn't see the room.
"Who is that?"
"Unnamed Mute."
"Unnamed Mute is talking?"
"First time in 3 years," UM laughed softly. It took a while for this to sink in. Why did he talk to me, of all people?
As if reading my mind, he answered, still In a whisper. "Because I trust you." I gulped, as I could feel him drawing nearer. Then he broke down crying.
For what felt like hours, I cradled UM in my arms, letting him cry into my shirt, like I did but a few minutes earlier.
Suddenly, he sat up.
"I'm sorry"
"What for?" I asked.
"Getting your shirt wet." I laughed, then he joined in. When we eventually stopped laughing, I asked if he wanted to come over to mine before the party, play some blind guy games.
"As long as no-one's about. I'm still not ready to tal-"
"Got it."
UM guided me to reception, where my Mom was waiting and worrying. I assured her I was okay.
"Don't do that to me again," she scolded. I said goodbye to UM and he squeezed my hand in acknowledgment.

I spent the evening, lying in bed,thinking about UM. What did he look like? Why didn't he speak? I tried to push the thoughts out of my brain, but they kept me awake until 5am, 3 hours before I was scheduled to wake up.
I woke up to the sound of whispering in my ear. I stayed still and rigid, frightened.
"You're such an amazing guy. I've heard everything about you, from Kaitlyn, Ellie, Harry, all of them. I knew, as soon as I saw you that first double maths lesson, I was going to like you, but I couldn't have predicted this... After my Mom and Dad, and Carla, I couldn't have predicted this."
I layed in bed for a few more more minutes, with UM sat somewhere in the the room on my right. I shuffled and turned over.
"Hey," UM whispered, in the same tone he spoke in a minute ago. I didn't even say hi.
"I heard." UM gulped.
"Heard what?" He whimpered.
"You're a bad liar," I smiled.
"Yeah, oh. You're parents?"
"Killed. In a car crash. With my girlfriend driving. She died too, mind."
"Is that why you don't speak?"
"Yes. Whenever I open my mouth I end up hurting someone, " I walked over to the gaming chairs, feeling my way.
"Okay, let's play." We played without talking for 45 minutes or so.
"Pause. You're good, UM."
"I've had practice."
"My Mom and Dad. Were blind."
"Play. Follow right branch." We continued to play for another 3 hours, when we got some lunch. UM didn't speak to my Mom, or Graham, but I think they did enough talking for all of us.
We then played for a little more, pushing our limits with the game, just generally enjoying ourselves. UM talked a bit more about his parents, who were killed 3 years ago. And his girlfriend, who was kind of a bitch. But a hot bitch. I laughed at that.
"That's one problem with being blind. No more checking out hot girls," I said.
All of a sudden, my Mom burst in.
"Party time!" It took a moment to realize what she meant.
"It's 6 o clock all ready?" I asked. She said yes and dragged us out to the car.
"Hello Isaa-"
"Professor Granger is your Dad?" I shouted in no direction, but aiming for Ellie and Harry. They both laughed.

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