three. "ephemeral."

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"Nevermind I'll find someone like you."

"I'll find you another time;"

"I'll love you another life."

* * *

It is raining in New York. Yui sits with her legs crossed, leaning back towards the crimson-colorer cushions of the seats in the home of the Chiara Symphony Orchestra, tapping away on her phone.

"You bitch!" A blonde flings open the door and shrieks at her, quickly bouncing up the stairs of the now-abandoned theatre to the aisle the ravenette sat on.

Yui looked up with an amused smile on her face. "Hi, Keiliy, osashiburi*."

Keiliy Jansen stabs a finger into her face. "Do hey me and spew some Japanese crap in my face, Akaashi Yui! Why the fuck did you leave Hasetsu so early?!"

Yui looks up, lips curving and cock her head: dark hair framing her face delicately, slowly inching away into the cushioned seat to avoid the sharp gaze of her normally bubbly, fluent-in-six-languages, blonde bombshell of a roommate.

"Whatever do you mean, Keiliy-darling?"

Although her tone was innocent, her expression hinted nothing of the innocence she claimed to have. She knew exactly what her dear fujioushi orchestra member was talking about.

"You bitch!" Keiliy repeats, "you know what I mean! The Viktor Nikiforov! As in your hot, bootylicious, sexy, Greek god ex! I don't fucking care whatever fucking history you have! But you could have at least gotten a nude photo of him for me to photoshop on!"

As usual, the cellist was adamant in getting what she wants, and is in no way being subtle, or respectable in doing so. Yui feels sorry for herself, and wonders why, why she decided to introduce her to anime— It was common knowledge that Keiliy was a huge pervert, and by God— If she could get anymore hentai* than she is — Yui didn't know it would turn out like this. It didn't help, either, to include the fact that one of Keiliy's favorite pastimes (a hobby she was almost annoyingly good and ingenious at) was photoshopping the half-naked bodies the male species she found attractive onto other half-naked bodies the male species.

You see how that's a problem.

But Yui supposed it was only in her nature. The runaway scion to the prestigious Jansen clan based in Sweden and Netherland. After the disownment of her sister and the suicide of her brother, Keiliy had decided she no longer wanted to be a part of a family who would do such cruel and ruthless actions to its own and go on, unpunished for their crimes. But she had been young when she left the only home she had ever known, and also the riches that had come alongside it.

She had taken to Yui because she needed someone who understood. Not to understand, but someone who knew of the pain and longing of something, of someone you loved and hated at the same time.

"Ne," Yui clicks the sleep button on her phone and refocuses her attention on Keiliy, her formerly guiltless grin turns into a half-smirk, "you do know that I left a couple of hours before he arrived... Right?"

"You fucking bitch!"

* * *

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