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There is a boy, that sits on my bus. He has lots of friends and is very popular but shy.

I could go on and on about everything perfect about him.

I sit on the bus and wait for more students to board.

After a couple of stops, he's here.

Luke Hemmings, the boy I've always liked.

He walks past me, looking at me with his blue eyes. He smirks as I stare at him. He walks past my bus seat. His blonde hair, perfectly styled like it is everyday. His black skinny jeans sticking to his perfect legs that even girls are jealous of. His long sleeve shirt, the same one that he wears everyday, even in the one-hundred degree weather of summer.

His long sleeved shirt has always caught my attention. I can't help but wonder what's so special about it. It surprises me that no one else questions his shirt..

I continue to stare at him as he walks to the back of the bus to join his friends.

He turns his head and looks directly at me. My eyes widen and I turn around to face the seat in front of me.

I stare out the window until the bus stops in front of my school.

I quickly stand to my feet, grabbing my backpack and rushing out of the bus. The stuffy, small, crammed bus is not a place I'd like to stay in more than I have to.

I walk through the courtyard, ignoring the couples making out, the popular girls spreading rumors and causing drama, the jocks that hit on every girl and the other students that sit in the hallways.

I continue to walk through the school until I reach my first class. I sit down I the second-to-last row of desks.

I pull out my journal and wait for the teacher and other students to enter the class.

"I see you're early again, as usual." my teacher says and I nod.

I start to draw Luke onto my journal. The cartoon version of Luke, that I just drew, lays on the paper and the bell rings. Students fill the class and I quickly close my journal, shoving it deep into my backpack.

Luke enters the class and sits in the seat beside me. I suddenly find my hands fascinating and play with my fingers, ignoring Luke's eyes on me.

I find the courage and look over at him, our eyes meet and his sparkle. He chuckles, shaking his head and looks down at his journal. His dimple appears and I smile to myself.

Luke draws in his journal, but I can't tell what it is. I try and lean closer to get a better look but I have no luck. He notices and shifts his journal so I can only see the back.

"Pay attention." he mouths and points to the classroom whiteboard.

I roll my eyes and stare at the teacher currently writing on the board.

My teacher asks the class a question but no one raises their hands. Suddenly, Luke's hand raises slowly and he holds the end of his long sleeve shirt, preventing it from falling down his arm.

He opens his mouth to speak. His deep voice fills the room as he answers the question.

I stare at him. The side view of his face is just as beautiful as the front. His jaw loosens and tightens as he speaks and I admire his features.

He finishes answering and looks over at me. I quickly move my attention away from him but I see him smile out of the corner of my eyes.

I smile to myself and the bell eventually rings. I pick up my large bag and walk out of class.

"Hey!" someone yells from behind me.

"Yes?" I question.

"You dropped this." Luke says plainly, handing me a pencil.

"Oh." disappointment fills me. "Thanks." I grab the pencil and quickly walk away before he notices my flushed cheeks.


The bells rings and I rush out of my last class for the day. I walk straight to the bus stop and climb aboard. I take my seat in the third seat on the right side.

Other students enter the bus and then he comes.


He stares at me as he walks past and I blush.

He smirks and I stare out the window as he walks to the back of the bus.

After a couple minutes, Luke's stop comes and he runs through the aisle of the bus like he does every day. He runs past me and the bus driver opens the bus doors.

He jumps off the bus and I watch as he runs down the sidewalk of his neighborhood.

The bus fills with laughter and I roll my eyes at the immature teens I'm trapped with.

The bus moves again and I loose sight of Luke.

Thoughts of why he runs off the bus every day, flood the possibilities through my mind and make me want to scream.

I don't even know why he does this, yet I have a feeling it's not good.


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