chapter 22

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      I explained everything to them and they started freaking out. There running around like freaking chickens without there heads while Titan and I just stand in the middle of it.

   "Guys they feed on fear also so I suggest you all grow a pair" I tell them and they stop and nod slowly. The fear around us soon dissipates and there's nothing left but the strong overwhelming feeling of power.

   "Titan is there any way to kill them?" I ask wanting to get ride of them as soon as possible. Josh growls at Titan and pulls me over to him and puts his arms around my waist protectively. Titan puts his hand in the air and takes a step back.

   "Yes Athena, There is a way to kill a cleaner" Titan says and I raise an eyebrow.

   "And that is...." I trail of giving him a hint to continue.

   "The Fulmine" Titan says on Italian.

   "The lightning bolt. How can a lightning bolt kill them?" I ask and Titan sighs.

   "It's not just any type of lightning bolt. It's a magical one that glows a bright purple. You hit a cleaner with it and it dies" Titan explains. I make an oh face and Josh puts his face in the crook of my neck. I giggle as he nips at the skin.

   "Stop it Josh" I whisper and he growl. Gut laughs come from all around us and guys that looked like the one I just dealt with circled us.

   "What the fuck are they?" The girls ask. Josh lifts up his head and growl threateningly.

   "Watch out for the tongue's" I say and they nod. A few second later we are being attacked by shooting tongues and toxic gases that we have to run from or we would pass out and get eaten.

   "Why why why why?!!! They are so fucking creepy!! Why us!? Why is it always us!!?" Kaitlynn asks no one in particular as we run away from the cleaners with loud thuds coming from behind us and the creak and bang of trees falling and cracking in too. This does not help with the nerves.

   "Athena watch ou-" Brandon never finishes as we are all knocked out by a invisible force. We slowly slip into the empty darkness all alone. I slip away but not before I hear a voice that's bone chilling.

   "Take them to the dungeons" the voice commands and I get pulled into the cold and utter darkness with the happiness of knowing we will wake up in a wonderful dungeon. Note. The. Sarcasm.


      I groan as I slowly move my head fluttering my eye open and groaning again as I see we are all in the same disgusting blood stained cell with bones and smell of urine and sweat. Screams echo off the walls as someone gets tortured to death. My bones go hollow at the thought. I try to move but I feel a burn and hiss as I notice it's silver drenched in wolfsbane. I look around to see everyone is here making me feel a little better.

   "Ugh. What the fuck happened" Kyle says groggily.

   "Yeah my head is pounding" Nick says trying to grab his head but hisses as his arms are held back by the burning silver and wolfsbane.

   "We got knocked out and now we are in a dungeon that stinks and I'm pretty sure we aren't in here because they want to be hospitable" I tell them and they groan as everyone wakes up. At least Josh is next to me, I rest my head on his shoulder smelling his wonderful and arousing scent. I love it, I wish we were somewhere else but at least I'm with my mate.

   "Now is not the time to be lovey dovey. Now is the time to think of a way to escape and not die!!" Max whisper yells and Josh growls at him making him whimper.

   "Don't talk to your Queen or Luna that way" his voice holds power that turns me on. I snuggle as close as I can without getting us burnt. I can hear his wolf purring with satisfaction.

   "Shut up mutts" the same bone chilling voice from earlier barks out. I growl and snarl at him moving so I'm kind of in front of Josh protecting him. The hot yet evil guy open the cell door and walks in stepping in the light that's coming from the window above me and Josh.

   "I'm Kevin. Now it's time to have a little fun, don't you think" Kevin say laughing like a evil person. Kevin walks over to someone in the corner of the room that I didn't notice was there until now and pulls the girl into the light by her hair. I growl once I recognize who it is. It's Jade.

   'He hurt our pup!! He will pay for this crime!!! Rip him apart and making him beg us for forgiveness then rip his head off!!!! He hurt our pup, our family!!!" My wolf urged me. Me and the girls growl deeply as Kevin chuckles. Jade is only five and I've known her since she was a baby, my wolf connected with her and we think of her as our pup. The girls think of her like that also but Jade only calls me mom and the other aunty.

   "How dare you hurt our pup!!!!" The girls and I snarl and lunge as far forward as we can not caring if we get burned.

   "Let's go have some fun with the torturing toys why don't we" Kevin says grabbing Jades hair making her whine and me and the girls become more feral to protect our pup.

   "Unhand her!! You disgust worthless mutt!!!" My Queen command sound off through the entire building as he drops Jade and I pull even more against the chains that hold me captive until they break from the stone wall and I zoom over to Jade grabbing her and pushing her behind my legs in a protective manner. By now the girls have finally did the same thing I did as we stalk the man who dare hurt our pup. I let out a ferocious growl and the girls do the same just not as powerful.

   "You will pay for hurting our pup!!" We yell and lunge forward tackling the man to the ground and tearing him apart as all we see is red.

      Dany grabbed the keys off of him as we finished ripping him apart and our eyes went back to normal. She unlocks the cuffs and they fall from our hands as we rub our wrist trying to make the pain go away as we quickly heal. I turn and walk over to Jade and get down to my knees and look at her. She's beat up with dirt all over and she has tears of both sadness and joy in her eyes.

   "Mommy, aunties....i-im s-s-s-so-sorry. I d-d-di-didnt mean t-to get c-c-ca-captured" she stutters and we whine then I pull her into a bone crushing hug.

   "You have nothing to say sorry for baby, you did nothing wrong" my voice is soothing as a real mothers, as soft as feathers and as sweet as candy. She relaxes in my arms and soon falls asleep. I pick her up bride style and her head rests on my shoulder as I turn and look at the girl who have loving look in there eyes.

   "Kaitlynn and Brandon take Jade and teleport to the house. Get her cleaned up and situated. Then stay there and tell everyone to be on guard and protect there families and each other" I order and hand Jade to Kaitlynn who happily takes her. They soon teleport off to my house and I turn to see Josh looking at me hurt and confused. I walk over to him and give him a look that says ‘are you really that stupid’.

   "She not really my child you know" I tell him and he sighs then smiles and hugs me tightly.

   "Your going to make a great mother one day" he whispers in my ear so only I can hear it. I start feeling more and more nervous with that comment but I sigh and smile then Peck his lips and turn around to see the girls giving me a knowingly look. I glare at them and they submit to me, bowing there head a showing there neck to me.

   "Girls pair with your mates and go check the house. Top to bottom, eliminate any witnesses. Meet back at the living room" I order and they look up and nod then run off in pairs. I turn and look at Josh seeing him look at me with furrowed eyebrows.

   "What?" I ask and he shakes his head then relaxes his face. I grab his hand feeling the sparks and smiling then running out the cell and into the long hallway.

      We searched top to bottom and nothing was here. It was like a ghost house and we were the only living things in the house. It just seems to creep me out more when we hear screams and when we go and look for them we find nothing. We are in the living room thinking when the front door opens. I get up into a fighting stance and run over to the front door with the others on my tail. What I see stops me in my tracks as I freeze and my jaw drops and eye go wide. I see the one thing I thought I lost forever............ I see..
   I see my parents.....

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