3. Milkshakes

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You were on your way to Minnie's - where they made the world's best milkshakes - that's situated right along the beach side.

You invited your whole group of friends but everyone was busy except your best friend, her boyfriend and your crush, (C/N).

You were upset that not everyone could make it but you were excited anyways. You kept thinking about how (y/b/f) kept saying how this was a double date. When you arrived, you saw that they were all already there.

Walking up to them with a smile on your face you asked, "So what's first? Beach or eats?" (Y/b/f) and her boyfriend said that they wanted to go for a swim first so you all walked to the beach together.

When your feet touched the sand, you layed a towel down, slipped out of your clothes and layed down comfortably in your bikini. (C/N) sat down beside you.

You relaxed for a bit until (C/N) said your name. You turned to him, "Yeah?"
"You wanna go in so long? I don't feel like swimming." Feeling the same way, you walked side by side to Minnie's after grabbing your phone and your wallet.

You found a table outside facing the ocean. Just as you were about to ask what (C/N) wanted to get, your phone started ringing. It was an important call so you excused yourself to answer it. Turning back to the table, you see that (C/N) was already ordering.

Sitting back down next to him with a smile on your face, you place your hands on the table. After a while of talking you feel your hand encased by (C/N)'s. A deep blush spreads across your face.

The waiter comes by and drops off a large bubblegum milkshake but you sit there confused as to where yours was. (C/N) sees your expression and puts two straws in the shake as a goofy smile appears on his face.

With a shy smile on your face, you lean in and take a sip of the heavenly drink. You moan in delight. "How is it?" he asks.

"Why don't you try for yourself?"

Smirking he says, "Okay, I will." Unsuspectingly he leans and kisses you passionately and you move your hands to his hair. You feel his tongue sliding along your bottom lip, asking for entrance and you gladly except. You pull away breathing heavily.

"Mmmm, tastes great. I think I need to try it again," he says leading in to kiss you again.


YAY! Double update. Proud of myself. This one's pretty long.

Peace out🌹
T xx

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