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Sabrina's POV
"I should get going. Thanks for having me Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter." Peyton said after we did the dishes. "It was a pleasure having you son. Stop by anytime." Dad said. He smiled and shook his hand. I walked upstairs and grabbed his clothes. As I was walking downstairs I saw dad talking to Peyton very seriously. "Uh hey!" I called, walking across the living room. They stopped talking. "Hey. Uh thanks." He grabbed the clothes. "What are you doing? Interrogating him?" I joked. "No Sabrina just talking." I nodded my head and grabbed Peyton's bag and we walked to the door. "Thanks." He said grabbing the bag. He leaned in and I backed up a little. "Friends Peyton." I whispered. "I know. I wanted a hug." He said smirking. "Right." I leaned in and hugged him. "I like you too Sab." He said. He pulled away and I stared at him. How do you know?
"Have a good night. I'll see you on set tomorrow." He said. He opened the door and walked out. I watched as he walked down the driveway. I walked outside. "Peyton!" I called. He turned around. "I- thanks for coming over." I chickened out. He nodded his head. "No problem." He got in his car and drove off. I sat on the stairs outside and stared off into the distance. "Hey." Sarah said, sitting down next to me. "Hey." I said, my voice cracking. "You know you can date him right?"
"Sarah, it's nothing. We are just friends." She shook her head. "You don't get it do you Sabrina? He really likes you." She said. I looked at her. "I know. But I don't want this to change. We are great friends."
"Just be careful not to lead him on." Sarah said before she got up and walked back inside.
I looked back out and saw Peyton pull into the driveway. I stood up. "Uh what are you doing here again?" I said walking up to him. "Look" he said getting out of the car. "Your dad talked to me. He told me not to hurt you. And I won't. But I'm not going to leave here until you tell me something." He started. "What?" I asked. "Are we just friends?" He said. I looked at him. I didn't say anything. "I-I don't know." I said after a minute. "Why did my dad talk to you?" I asked. "Because he sees everything. He was worried i was going to hurt you. That if we were just friends than we need to act like it. He's worried about you." He said. I looked at the ground. "Look can we just leave it?" I whispered. He nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow Sabrina." He got into his car. "One more thing." He added. I looked up. "I totally think Maya is a better kisser." I laughed. "Yeah okay. Go home to your your barnyard throw down Huckleberry." I said. He smiled. "Yes ma'am." He said and tipped his hat before backing out and driving away. I walked back inside and went upstairs. Oh boy.

Sabrina's POV

I woke up and checked my phone to see a text from Peyton.

Mind if I pick you up? Maybe we can grab a coffee?

He sent it 5 minutes ago. I quickly slid it and replied.

Yea sure.

I quickly got up and cleaned my room. I ran into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and got ready. I scrambled, trying to get ready. 5 minutes later there was a knock on my door. I opened it to see a smiling Peyton with flowers... "Uh.. what's this?" I asked. He looked at the flowers. "They're for you." He said. I took them and walked inside to grab a vase. "Peyton it is 7 in the morning and you decide to bring me- oh hi dad." I saw my dad reading the paper at the table. "Morning princess. Peyton did you do that?" He said pointing at the flowers. "Yes sir." I stared at him. "It is seven in the morning!" I said loudly. Dad stood up. "Good move son." He said and fist bumped Peyton. "What?" I said. I quickly grabbed a vase and put the flowers in before grabbing Peyton's hand and walking towards the door before him and my dad can talk some more. "Will we see you tonight Peyton?" My dad called. I looked at Peyton. "Don't you dare answer." I whispered. "We will see sir." I pulled him outside and closed the door. "What is up with you and my dad?" I asked. "I like him, he's cool." He said as we walked towards his car. He walked over to my side and opened my door. "Is this a date?" I asked. He looked at me. "Get in the car Sabrina." He gestured towards the passenger seat. "What if I don't want to?"
"Then you have to kiss me. In front of your father." He said. "You're serious?" I asked. "Depends." I looked at him funny. "On what?" I asked. "If you actually want to?"
"And I am getting in the car." He closed the door and walked to the other side. "You never answered my question." I told him. "It is a guy going out to coffee with the girl he likes at seven in the morning."
I nodded. "Well I'm not getting any younger so hurry up." I said. "You're not getting any taller by the looks of it either." He said, pulling out of the driveway. I slapped his arm. "Oww!"
"That is what you get for calling me short."
"I'm sorry. So I was thinking we could go out for pancakes but then I remembered that you are about as tall as them so I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." I punched his arm and he started laughing. "Watch it I need this arm!" He said. "For what your squaredance?"
"Yes! I have to be there at two!" He said, and I laughed. This is a guy going out for coffee with the girl he likes at seven in the morning. "And we are here." He said, pulling up to a quaint little coffee shop. He got out an opened the door for me. "Why thank you." I got out of the car and he closed the door. I turned around and grabbed his hand as we walked inside. "Breakfast is on me." He said. "I ca-"
"It's on me." I nodded my head. "In that case ill have whatever costs the most. I better take advantage of this." I said. We sat down in a booth across from each other and decided what to order.

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