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Ok, so I've got a little bit of of rant for you guys, that personally got me SOOOO mad!!! 

I know most of you don't do western pleasure and you guys mostly jump and do dressage.. and timed events.. but have you ever noticed how much Pleasure gets bashed???

Like, today I was on youtube, because my mom wants to buy me a new horse, (we aren't leasing Lizzy anymore and I'm really sad) and I was looking at this one horse, and the animal was beautiful, slow legged, and had a nice headset, and like all of the people in the comments were like 

"thats unnatural"



"stupid people these day don't even know what they're doing"

"this disgusts  me"


These horses were BRED TO DO THIS.

Horses were never meant to do those dressage moves... they weren't supposed to jump that high.. they don't race around barrels.. have you guys ever noticed your discipline being frowned upon?? UHHHHH it gets on my nerves so much!!!!!

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