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Ian's POV
I was looking out my classroom window, paying attention to nothing other than the clouds in the sky and birds flying around. Sipping my still hot coffee, I leaned back in my desk chair.

This was my fourth year teaching as an English teacher at the highschool, and it was only the third week of the school year.

Even though I myself was fairly new to the school, there was another new teacher this year, a History teacher. Whose classroom just happened to be right next to mine.

I've already yelled at him four times for being so fucking loud with his classes. Yesterday, just two periods after I had asked him to quiet down however, he was shouting even louder than he had been.

So, naturally, I had to be the same exact way. I planned on shouting as loud as I could for various things the entire day, most likely something about people with shitty grammar.

I was interrupted from my plans by a short knock on the door, followed by a girl walking in. "Mr. Carter? Umm... when's the next meeting going to be? My parents need to know." She asked timidly.

"Tomorrow after school, 'till around four." I responded as she walked away quickly, despite having no need to rush, twelve minutes until she would need to go to her class.

It was another eight minutes of reviewing notes  for what I'd try to teach today before my first few students walked in and took their seats, being practically silent, because after all, it was seven in the morning.

Once my entire class was seated and the bell had rung, I started off shouting the names for attendance, already knowing everyone was here but wanting to annoy the teacher next door. "JULIA! BEN! ANDREW!"

I yelled out each of the twenty seven names just as loud as the previous, slightly intimidating some of the quieter kids but mainly grabbing their attention.

"How many of you did the reading last night?" I asked my students, to which 90% percent raised their hands. "...How many of you actually did it, and would be prepared to answer any questions suddenly sprung on you right now?" Some of them lowered their hands after that.

"Okay, well for probably the only time this school year, I'm not going to get on all of your cases about not doing it. And that's because, today's lesson is going to be a bit... different." A majority of my students groaned, after only a few weeks already sick of my 'different' lessons.

"Would you prefer I force you to write an essay this entire period?" I snapped, giving them a 'don't test me' glare, even though I wouldn't do that because I'm too lazy to grade them all.

Practically every student in the class groaned, none of them knowing yet that I'd never do that. "Do you guys wanna know how to make every teacher in the wing hate you?" I asked them with a smirk.



A few kids smirked and giggled, while others simply snapped awake. The rest of the lesson was me shouting out random trivia, using it as both a way to piss off the History teacher and try to cram shit into their brains before their test, knowing that otherwise half of them would fail from not paying attention.

I continued that way for the rest of the day, getting louder each period, until, with my last class during eighth period, I was practically screaming.

An incredible amount of tea had been drunk to keep my throat from hurting with all my yelling. As I was drinking my fifth cup of tea during the last period of the day, my door suddenly opened to reveal Mr. Miller standing there.

I raised an eyebrow at him, before setting the styrofoam cup down on my desk and crossing my arms, leaning back in my chair. He took one good look at me before bursting out laughing and standing in front of me.

"I'm going to assume that all this yelling from your room wasn't just you having a shitty day?" The shorter man asked, a small smile on his face which I couldn't help but return.

"Maybe so, although whatever could be the other reason for my completely out of character activity?" I responded, taking another sip from my still warm cup of tea.

He rolled his eyes, sitting on the edge of my desk. "I get it, I've been too loud. As long as you promise not to do that shit again, I'll try to shout a bit less... for now." He said with a smirk.

"Mmmm, how about not being so loud for as long as your classroom's right next to mine?" I replied, keeping a straight face.

He ignored my request, instead looking around my classroom, taking note of certain things. His eyes fell upon the bulletin board behind my desk, which had various reminds for myself, pictures of my dogs and a few fliers about the GSA.

"You run that thing?" He asked, pointed towards the sheet of paper.

"Indeed I do, Miller." I told him. I knew his name was George, yet I still chose to call him that, having a feeling that it'd slightly tick him off.

I was right about that. He snorted upon hearing that, but definitely noticed the small smirk on my face. "Don't do that shit man, c'mon, call me George."

"Alright, George, call me Ian." I told him with friendliness in my voice, yet an emotionless expression.

"Aw, at least smile! Look, you've got those pictures of dogs behind you, stop being so emotionless." George said while pointing to the pictures behind me.

"They're dead." I said monotonously, with such a serious expression on my face that the young teacher instantly changed his mood. He started to stutter out an apology before I burst out laughing, cracking up with loud laughter.

"I'm sorry, too good of an opportunity. My dogs are very much alive and well. Neither of them are dying any time soon. I hope." He raised an eyebrow at me before laughing as well. It was a nice sound, one of those contagious laughs that always made you want to join in.

"God damn, I thought you were serious at first. Anyways, is there any particular reason you wanted to run the GSA? Or did you just do it because you had free time?" George asked me.

"If you're trying to ask me if I'm gay, you might as well just say it." He looked taken aback by my response, obviously not expecting it. "But, to answer your not-so-subtly asked question, yes. I'm bi."

I gave him a small smile after saying all of that, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "So uh, do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend currently?" He questioned, looking down at his fingers as he tapped them on the desk.

It was so obvious that he was trying to find a way to ask me out that it was almost funny. "What makes you think that I'm in a relationship, currently?"

"Well I mean... you're a good looking dude with a sense of humour and a job, I don't know why you wouldn't be." George said slowly, his hesitance both slightly annoying yet... cute, in a way.

"What a straight thing for you to say." I joked. He blushed and started to stutter, looking down once more. Realizing I'd need to make the first move in order for anything to happen, I stood up, taking a single step towards him and softly kissing him.

The shorter man was obviously stunned, but kissed me back, still sitting on top of my desk. "I-I was gonna ask you if... you'd like to get coffee with me once the day's over?" He asked hopefully.

I grinned at him, glad he had finally said something. "Of course. Hopefully you're as I loud in bed as you are with your classes." I winked, unable to contain the fit of laughter that came afterwards.

"God damnit Ian. Give me a call, ok?" He handed me a piece of paper with seven digits on it, before grinning at me and closing the door.

And holy shit, was I excited for that night.

I'm really low on content ideas but I don't want my account to die just yet so I'll publish this shitty book of oneshots to keep it on life support a little while longer.

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