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Prompt: Joji and Ian go to drama class together and there's this icky romantic play. Joji and Ian are chosen to be the love sick gay couple.

Thanks to @imgay4myself for the prompt

Words: 4K

"Please do not be offended about the roles assigned, we did not chose based on personality, it was based on your participation in this class and your acting skills."

"If any of you have serious problems with your roles, then you may request for it to be changed. However, if you can, I suggest that you just roll with it".

The entire class sighted and rolled their eyes at the teacher's pun. Joji was nearly falling asleep, practically fighting himself in order to stay awake enough to hear the names.

Ian sat a couple of seats away from him, thinking about how utterly disgusting the play is. "Ian Carter, Charlie D."

Ian furrowed his eyebrows. He just knew there was something about that name that stuck with him, from the times they had read the script in class.

"George Miller, Anthony T. Silverman."

Joji's head shot up when he heard his name, and he immediately took out his script to find out what lines he'd have to memorize.

There was a nearly simultaneous moment of "oh shit" in the minds of both Joji and Ian as they read through and highlighted their lines.

"Of course I'm the gayest character in the entire fucking play." Joji murmured to himself, looking through and ignoring the rest of the parts being called.

"And, yes, some of you will have staged kisses. Some will have a lot, if you're uncomfortable with that, then come see me." Said the drama teacher.

"Mr. V, we don't have to preform this in front of a large crowd, right?" Asked one student.

"It depends on how many people buy tickets, you're doing three shows total if you include the middle school kids." A unanimous groan rose from the teenagers. "You shouldn't have taken drama if you didn't want to be in a play."

Two weeks later, they were on the stage, running through while a couple of people still had to hold their scripts. "Charlie! How dare you even suggest the possibility! To think that my own son is-"

"Is what, Mary? Is a homosexual? Is that really so hard to believe? It's the 60's, it's not like this is old news." Ian cuts of the girl speaking.

"Anthony is not one of you! He's a businessman for crying out loud, he's one of the people keeping this economy pristine!" Exclaims the girl playing Mary.

"That has nothing to do with it! You're just too shallow to think that your son, your source of bragging, may not be exactly as you envisioned!" Ian shouts.

"That is not true! I'm telling you, Anthony is-"

They both stopped talking as Joji walked on the stage. His costume was still to be determined, so all he wore was a 7-11 shirt and jeans. "Mother? What are you and Charlie doing, it's 10:00, you do know that there's work tomorrow?"

Joji spoke with a British accent. It wasn't required, all he was told was that he was originally from Europe, but he insisted on the accent. "Charlie and I were just discussing when you'd be getting married." The girl said.

George cocked his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows. "Marriage? I don't understand, what's that got to do with Charlie? And why are you discussing it? I've already said I'd prefer to focus on work rather than women."

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