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Prompt: Ian or Joji steals the other one's coffee literally out of nowhere

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Joji's POV

I walked into the classroom I've been helping in the past two weeks. I was a student teacher, wanting to be a high school Science teacher.

Ian was sat at his desk grading quizzes when I walked in, slouching slightly and probably looking very tired. "Good morning, George." He had said to me somewhat cheerfully, which was only met with a small grunt and head nod.

After that, he put down the papers and turned around with his back facing me, going through some desk draws. I glanced at the cup of coffee on his desk, then got a good idea.

Quietly, I took it off the edge, and took a sip. It tasted like what you'd expect from a guy that jittery and energized. Lots of sugar. But, it wasn't bad.

He swivelled around and I handed it back to him, not showing even the slightest change in expression, aside from a small smile. "Y'know, you could just ask me to make you a cup of coffee next time." He muttered, checking how much was left.

"Yeah, but this was more convenient." I replied, an unmistakable grin on my face as I started to quietly laugh. Ian only shook his head, finishing what was left.

"How do you like your coffee?" He asked, standing up after throwing out the styrofoam cup.

"However you drink yours. Tasted pretty good. You need to drink it with more sugar though, it'd be a lot better." I said sarcastically, sitting on the edge of his desk.

"Review those notes for tomorrow's lesson, let me know your thoughts." He instructed with a nod. "And, don't tell me how to drink my coffee."

With that he left the room swiftly, letting the door close behind him. God, am I tired today.

I almost considered laying across the desks and falling asleep, which did seem like a good plan, except they'd probably flip over which wouldn't be very good.

Instead, I sat down at one of them, putting my head in my arms and sleeping on the desk. Because, hey, if a high school student can do it, then why can't I?

I fell asleep momentarily, before snapping awake at a tap on my shoulder. Ian was standing over me with a smirk on his face, holding two cups of coffee. "No sleeping in class, Miller. I'll file you as inept for work."

Laughing, I rubbed my eyes a bit. Ian took a sip from his cup of coffee, before going to hand me mine. Well, since he can take a joke well...

Trying to keep my face as neutral as possible, I reached and grabbed the cup he had just drunk, sipping it and feeling the warm liquid down my throat.

He groaned, putting down the other cup. "Is this even about you needing a cup of coffee?" He asked, sounding both annoyed and amused.

"Mmmm, maybe it is, maybe it isn't." I replied, not able to keep the smile off my face. He rolled his eyes, drinking from the other cup.

"I made them the same anyways, this one just has less sugar in it. That one was more empty though, so I hope you're happy with it." He sat down at his desk, grabbing the stack of papers from earlier. "Read them."

He graded quickly than I thought possible, not having any answer key to go off of at all. Ian was fun to torment, he got the most adorable look on his face whenever he got annoyed. "Don't even think about it." He muttered as I put my hand near his cup.

"I'll get you Starbucks." I offered, taking the $1 cup from his desk.

"Only if you get it now, I have six classes worth of quizzes to grade, not to mention making sure my entire eleventh grade doesn't fail the upcoming test." He responded, his stack of papers gradually getting smaller.

"What if I steal your car." I teased, seeing his car keys on the edge of the desk by the window.

"Yours is nicer than mine, we both know that." Ian answered, spinning his chair around to look at me. "You're depriving me of the caffeine I need to get through the day. You'd better get me a large coffee with enough sugar to kill a diabetic."

With a laugh, I gave up on messing with the 27 year old science teacher, leaving the classroom quickly to get him the aforementioned coffee.

Upon returning with his coffee, I found his classroom nearly full, only a minute before the school day officially started. "I got your liquid heart failure."

Ian launched into a long, scientific explanation of how the amount of sugar he uses had 'absolutely no correlation to heart disease.'

That was all it took to the clowns in the class to start joking about his sugar intake, making my job of annoying him easier.

"I hope you're happy about what you've done, Miller." He said, drinking the coffee with a fake sour expression.

"Gee, I don't remember putting any salt in your coffee." I responded, unable to keep the smirk off my face as a chorus of 'oh' came from the class.

"God damnit, we have a test they need to prepare for, okay?" Was his final answer as he put the cup on his desk and put on the projector.

I took a seat in his chair as he stood and explained every topic for the test. As he thoroughly went through it all, answering every question, I took a look at the test and saw he was almost telling them the exact answers.

"You know this is basically cheating, Carter?" I asked, holding up the test in a way that no students could see.

"And yet the class average will still probably be a 70." He replied immediately.

Ian continued teaching, and I saw that still, half of the class wasn't listening. "Y'know, you'd think that if I just told a whole class that you're practically cheating, after reading their fifty question test for tomorrow, that they'd pay a bit more attention."

"Well, Miller, that's just how high school works, they don't care if I'm basically letting them cheat, right Andrew?" Ian said, looking at a kid who was most definitely not sleeping in class.

The bell rung not too late after that, and a couple of kids practically bolted out the door. "God, teenagers suck, I can't believe I'm gonna become a teacher." I said as Ian walked over and motioned for me to get out of his seat.

"Worst decision of my whole life." He agreed. "Well, next to agreeing to have you as a student teacher."

"Hey, shut up, you love me and you know it." I defended.

He only smirked from behind his coffee cup, taking a long sip before putting it down on his desk again. "Just don't make a habit out of stealing my coffee."

And from that moment forward, I made sure that I always stole his coffee.

I changed the name, this is just gonna be for any kinda oneshots, please feel free to give me prompts of any kind, it'd be greatly appreciated

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