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Prompt: i have to help you change your costume and i've seen you shirtless so many times that it doesn't faze me anymore but you're still hot

1.6k words

Ian's POV

I sat right off the side of the stage, a costume in my hands as I watched the performance. I've been an offstage helper in nearly every play the highschool has put on for the last three years, and had even done it my last year in middle school. The second he got off the stage and behind the curtains, he started taking off his shirt. Exactly fifty seconds until he had to go back on the stage.

I had gotten really good at helping with costume changes, having helped and watched for four years now, so of course this specific play I was helping George, who had three or four costume changes per scene. He had the most, playing one of the leads. Honestly, it takes a lot of talent, and I'm impressed by him.

I was in the middle of fixing his hair, twenty five seconds before he had to go back on the stage, when he said something to me, the first time he had spoken to me. It was only a rehearsal, the last one before the first of five productions, yet he had never said a word to me. Which was understandable, there was never really any time. "This would seem pretty gay out of context." He said in a low voice, not wanting other people to hear us since we're not supposed to talk while changing costumes.

"What doesn't look gay out of context these days?" I responded with  a quiet laugh, before stepping away, checking my watch and seeing five seconds before his que. "Get ready. You're doing great, by the way." He smiled at me before completely wiping his face of expression and going back to the stage. I got his last costume change ready, luckily having another sixteen minutes before needing to help George again.

It's odd, really. I've helped lots of guys before, the school didn't often pair up opposite genders for obvious reasons, yet I couldn't help but find George different, in a way. Who knows, maybe its because he's one of the hottest kids in theatre, but I definitely liked something about him. One of my friends who was also stage crew, Max, walked over and sat next to me where I was on the floor. Max works primarily on building and moving props. "Couldn't help but notice you starting at George." He said with a smirk.

"Fuck off." I muttered, punching him in the arm.

"Hey! Watch it! I've gotta be moving around heavy ass shit for the next week." He whined, rubbing his arm. I only chuckled at him, ignoring his complaint. "But, if it makes you feel any better Ian..." he started saying before scooting closer and lowering his voice. "I've been hearing that George is bi. I'd go for it, if I were you."

I rolled my eyes at my friend, knowing he was trying to be nice but still getting slightly ticked off by him butting in. "Even if he was into guys, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be into me." I said matter of factly. He laughed loudly, earning a glare from me and two others for making too much noise. "Max! We're not allowed to be loud backstage, you know that." I told Max in a harsh whisper, before going back to watching the production. George went off stage once more, this time having six minutes for a costume change rather than less than a minute.

Max walked off, getting a hint that he probably shouldn't be watching the other actors in case somebody got the wrong idea. "Nice job out there." I commented quietly, grabbing a couple of things while he changed. I took my time making him look good, not as rushed as I usually am. I got his hair, props and accessories perfect before stepping back, only taking two minutes.

"Y'know, the director was telling me that you're good at doing this quickly, but I didn't expect you to be this good. It's a bonus that you're pretty cute, too." His second sentence was quieter, seeming like more of a self-comment than a compliment meant for me to hear. Of course, I ended up blushing slightly anyways.

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