Ora Escapes Her Bonds

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Pip gave the Wolf a pleading glance, silently begging for help.

But it wouldn't come, for the wolf was no longer Ora, and Ora no longer existed.

Pip's eyes then slid over to Merry, as the Uruk-Hai carrying him finally came into Pip's view.

Merry was unconscious, and looked like hell. One of his eyes looked swollen, and his face was covered in bruises.

"Merry. Merry!" Pippin whispers loudly to his friend, gaining no response.

Suddenly, an Uruk-hai puts up his hand and signals the others to stop. A group of Mordor Orcs appear from behind some rocks.

"You're late. Our master grows impatient. He wants the Shire-rats and the Dark Lord's pet now." Grishnákh, one of the orcs hisses out in his creepy voice.

Uglúk, the Uruk-Hai leader growls. "I don't take order from Orc-maggots. Saruman will have his prize. We will deliver them."

Pippin listens as they talk, but his attention is turned back to Merry, when the other Hobbit starts to moan.

"Merry! Merry! Wake up!" He urges his cousin before turning back to the Uruks. "My friend is sick. He needs water. Please!" Pip pleads innocently.

Uglúk looks around with a glint in his eyes. "Sick, is he? Give him some medicine, boys!" He starts laughing.

One Uruk produces a water skin and starts pouring a disguisting looking Orc Ale into Merry's mouth.

Merry begins choking on the foul looking and smelling liquid.

"Stop it!" Pip cries. He shoots Ora another pleading glance. "Help us, Ora!" But he knows she's not going to, he can tell there's a feralness about her that had never been there before.

"Can't take his draught!" Uglúk laughs again, watching Merry vomit.

Pippin stares at the Uruk. "Leave him alone!" He says bravely.

"Why? You want some?" Uglúk asks. Pip shuts his mouth, becoming silent. "Then keep your mouth shut!"

Uglúk turns away from the Hobbits, no longer paying them any attention.

"Merry?" Pip says hesitantly as the other Hobbit weakly opens his eyes.

"Hello, Pip." Merry answers softly.

"You're hurt?" Pip asks.

Merry shakes his head. "I'm fine. It was just an act." He lies, so Pip won't worry.

Pip's eyes widen in surprise. "An act?"

Merry attempts a grin. "See? I fooled you too. Don't worry about me Pippin." Merry's eyes fall on Ora, who is snarling and growling, yet being forced to follow the Uruks. "Guess there's no reason to put our hopes in her."

Suddenly an Uruk-hai starts sniffing the air.

"What is it? What do you smell?" Uglúk demands.

The other Uruk-Hai sniffs again. "Man flesh." He growls out in a deep, rumbling voice.

"They've picked up our trail!" Comes the reply.

Pippin smiles, allowing himself to hope for rescue. "Aragorn!" He whispers to himself.

"Let's move!" Comes the order. And the Uruk-hai start running again, being joined by the Mordor Orcs. Pippin struggles to reach his Elven brooch with his teeth. He then tears it off his cloak and drops it onto the ground. A foot stomps onto the brooch but it remains unbroken and visible on the grass.

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