Within Her Own Mind

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Her eyes snapped open and Ora sat up slowly. She was in a large and marvellously structured castle. The walls were covered in paintings and tapestries depicting history's finest hours.

She stood up slowly and moved around in a circle, trying to figure out where she was, or where to go. Her surroundings seemed almost familiar to her, and she knew that she should be able to figure out where she was. But the memory of the place was like a word on the tip of one's tongue; right there within reach and almost spoken, but still not quite.

She focused her senses on her surroundings. But it was too quiet, and the scents around her gave no clues.

Her focus was broken by the sound of a child's laugh, echoing through the halls all of a sudden. She turned towards the origin of the noise just as the sound of little footfalls reached her ears.

She stared down the hall and cocked her head just as a human pup darted from an open door, all the way at the end of the long hall, and ran several feet towards her before ducking into another open door.

The child was no more than six or seven, with shoulder length brown hair. And his eyes were the blue of a cloudless day.

Ora smiled. "Come out, come out, little pup." She called out to Aragorn, only to be met by giggles.

She rushed down the hall with a laugh, and straight into the room she'd seen him run into.

She expected to find her pup hiding behind the drapes, or perhaps in a wardrobe, but instead all thoughts of her pup fled her mind as she entered the room.

The room didn't look like it belonged to the castle. In fact, it seemed so out of place that one would believe themselves in an entirely different area.

The room was dark and cold, even though a fire blazed in the middle of the room.

A male stood rigid before the fire. His skin was tan and he had brown wolf ears and tail, he was a Wolf Walker.

She rubbed her eyes as he turned towards her, his red eyes on her's. "So you would defy me? Turn your back upon your brothers and sisters?" His voice was deep and angry.

Ora looked anywhere but into his eyes. "Alpha, you know my concerns. Following Sauron is full hearty! I will not be apart of it!" She replied, just as she had done once before.

He let out a growl. "Then so be it! Ora of the GrimmrPaw clan, you are exiled from our people. You are stripped of your titles and magics and you are dead to us." He strode forward and dug a claw into the back of her neck, a mark that would always remain to prove her an exile. "You are to leave the camp at once. If I ever see you again, your life is forfeit."

Ora wasted no time in turning on her heels and running. Running from all she had ever known.

As soon as she was out of the room, she back in that corridor again, within the castle.

Ora dropped to her knees and grabbed her head. "What's going on?!" She cried out. Her voice bounced and echoed off the walls, but no reply came to her.

She stayed on the floor, unmoving for several minutes, until the sound of footsteps made her look up.

Her breath caught in her throat as she laid eyes upon the newcomer.

Before Ora, stood a vision of herself. However, this other Ora was naked and coated in blood, around her neck was a collar like the one the orcs and Uruk-Hai had forced onto her.

The other Ora cocked her head to the side as the original slowly stood up to her face her. The Copy lifted one blood covered hand to her lips and licked the fingers clean of blood.

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