Chapter 2

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Kyung Soo's POV

Kai immediately grabbed my hand. That is so strange. I've noticed that for the past few days of my hell life here at school because of that EXO gang, this Jong In guy never did touch me. He just watches them while they beat me. He has his face blank always, making me puzzled of what he's really thinking.

"I think you're making wrong decisions. Your life isn't ending here... Not yet..." he said looking straight to my eyes.

I don't know if it's only me, but I can see worrying in those eyes of his.

He pulled me down and dragged me outside of the rooftop. He's just brisk walking but I'm already running. (One of the reasons why I hate being so small. -____-*) "Where are we going?" I asked breathing heavily.

"You'll see, Hyung... You'll see..."

What?! Did he just call me 'Hyung'? We're not even close!

But when he called me that way, it felt not strange. It felt really good. I felt like someone is actually caring for me.

I just let myself be dragged by Jong In. His hold never losing. We walked (or should I say, he walked and I RAN) for like eternity until we came into a small, brown gate. Ohh fucking hell! Did he just brought me here to help me clean up his house? Did he kidnap me, and I willingly run away with him? Argh! I'm thinking too much again. My head started to ache again.

"Aaaarghh! My head... Shit." I cursed under my breath.

"What's wrong, Hyung?"

He called me 'Hyung' again. I can feel butterflies in my stomach.

"No, n-nothing... It's just... just that..." Then I blacked out.

Jong In's POV

Kyung Soo fainted into my arms. What happened to him? Is he sick? Did he eat something wrong? Ahh, stop thinking Kai. Just take him inside.

I carried him in a piggyback ride. I thought he's heavy, but actually weigh lighter than I thought. If I didn't know who I am carrying, I'll think he's a girl.

I carried him straight to my room. I am leaving here alone. I actually take him here because of a reason. And that is-


Oh wait, gotta catch that one first. I ran downstairs to answer the door. To my surprise, my gang was outside the door.

"Hyung, I'll just raid your refrigerator," Sehun said without looking at me. Darn it. In some point, he doesn't treat me as an older brother.

They began to roam around the house, making my house messy. I wish I can really kick their fucking asses. But I can't. Why? Simply because I don't want my life to be a

living hell. Yes, I am afraid they'll beat me until I die. They're that heartless. Especially the leader, Wu Fan aka Kris. He's always like that. When somebody 'disrespects' him, he can definitely kill that person. He didn't mind anyway. Sehun, ChanYeol, Chen, Tao and Kris are the original members. Luhan, Yixing, Xiumin, BaekHyun, Suho and I joined the group just to avoid being their target punching bag.

"Hey, let's drink tonight!" Chen exclaimed. Uh-oh.

"Uhmm, Chen. I think that is not a good idea. We have cla-" I was immediately cut off by Chen.

"Waeyo? Afraid of getting a notif about going to school drunk?! You're much more afraid of that than me?" He deadpanned. Shit. He's serious about going to school drunk, AGAIN.

"Just spare him. I mean he has a point. All of us got a notif because of destroying the school gate's lock and smoking" Suho said, talking like a woman again.

"Tss, fucking dickhead," Chen mumbled.

"I agree. The admin's keeping an eye on us," Kris shrugged, wearing the same bitchface.

That was a surprise. I really can't remember him saying no to alcohol. He's actually the first one to grab tequila in the bar. What happened to him. This is shit creeping me under my nerves.


A/N: That is chapter 2. *bows 90 degrees*

Sorry for making Sehun, ChanYeol, Tao, Chen and Kris the bad guys. I can't make any of the others (especially Luhan and BaekHyun) look bad. I simply can't imagine that.

Anyeonghaseyo chingus! :)) Thanks for reading my story. I decided not to reveal the BIZARRE GIRL right away. But don't worry, she's coming real soon. ^___~

Please comment, vote and Fan! You can also message me privately.

Thanks A BUNCH! *gives away millions of flying kisses*




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