Chapter 3

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A/N: This chapter is all about Kris. I want you to get to know my character first so here.

Kris' POV

I don't feek like drinking. I am so darn not in the mood today. Fuck mood swings.

I just want to go home early. But the boys dragged me to Kai's place.

Today is my Eomma's birthday... And death anniversary. I'm not crying anymore. I know she's in a better place right now.

My Appa? I'm living with him. I'm only kind to him. He's getting old so I'm taking good care of him. Yeah, I'm all evil outside. But inside, I am father's boy. Kekeke. Is that girly stuff? I know, but since my Eomma already passed away, Appa and I only have each other. I'm actually soft and kind if you get to know me.

I hate being mushy and such (exemption to my Appa) so I'll stop here.

By the way, I sense something fishy in Kai. I notice he isn't joining us everytime we beat that nerdy Kyung Soo. He can't even glare at the shorter guy. Tss, is he gay? Oh fucking hell! I usually sleep beside him when we're really drunk. Oh son of a bitch. Stop thinking Wu Fan.

But I can't stop thinking about it. I asked him and he obliged without looking into me.

"Hey, erm, Kai. Can I ask you something?" I said while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Do I have a choice not to answer you back?" He said bitterly.

"I'm asking you in the nicest way I can-"

"I'm asking you out of my house."

"How could you talk-"

"Just go out of my fucking house!"

"Not until you answer my question."

He didn't answer back. He let out a heavy sigh before saying, "What is it?"

"Erm, are... you... you know... gay..?" I'm trying my best not to laugh on his reaction. But he got his posture back and calmly answered my question.

"I'm not gay. But I know you wouldn't believe me. That's human nature."

O-kay. He knows something about human nature. Kekeke. But it made me even more puzzled about his identity. He's the most mysterious member of the gang. The next one is LuHan.

"Then why can't you beat that Kyung Soo? Do you have a crush on him?" His face is blank and he's not even blushing.

"The thing is... I can't tell you..." He rubbed his temples and calmly asked me to leave.

"I guess we're leaving then." I want to apologize to him. But that isn't what my usual image show so I didn't bother saying it to him.

So I've proven that he's not gay. But he can't tell the reason why he is being an angel to that guys. Tss. Really mysterious.

I was about to close the door when I heard him stormed upstairs and lock himself inside his room. This is really creepy. Even if Kim Jong In is a mystery to me, I know some facts about him. And one of them is not locking his bedroom door. Really, what is happening?


A/N: And bang! That's all for Chapter 3. *bows 90 degrees*

Sorry for the boring chapter. *Flips keyboard because of disappointment*

I promise, after the next chapter, you'll see the STORY and who is who, who will do this, who will do that, who will be in love, who will be in great trouble, who is jealous, who is the PERSON who's willing to DIE for the person he/she love... *continues ranting until ran out of breath*

Soo PLEASE comment, VOTE or FAN! Whatever you do sends me reasons to smile and chuckle by myself. But I'm not crazy okay. ^____~



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