Chapter 11: Caught in the Act

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-Macey's POV-

I was intently listening to their convo while carefully peeking once in a while.. And it felt like I have something heavy on my back upon hearing how dedicated Zed is to his girl. I was like.. 'Who is she? Lemme kick her ass!'.

But when I heard him spoke of my very name, my heart skipped a beat. It's like my blood are rushing through my veins. I fidgeted and accidentally stepped on a little piece of tree branch that had fallen on the ground.

I didn't know what to do! Luckily.. They thought it's a cat or something else.

But my luck didn't last for long.... because a bug crawled on my foot that made me shrieked.

I sneaked away as quickly as possible but then...

"Macey?? What are you doing here?", Zed asked.

I froze.

Oh my gosh! What to do?! What to say?! This is embarassing!! I shouldn't have listen to Nikka! Ughh!!

"Macey, I know that's you.".... he coming closer?? Oh no oh no oh no!!

Due to embarassment, I couldn't think straight that I resorted into running away from that place.

I slowed down my pace, when I got near our house, to rest for a while. I composed myself before going back into the house..

"Papa? You're leaving again?", I asked almost in tears when I saw Papa loading some bags in the car.

"What? No. I'm off to a charity work. Don't you know? I'm staying here for good."..

Whew! I thought he'll be gone again for so long... I really hate it when he comes home then he'll leave again after days..

I went to him and hugged him tight. "You promise you won't leave again."

"I promise my princess."

I smiled upon his endearment. I kissed his cheeks as goodbye and headed up to my room.

I let myself fall onto my bed.

I need to give Nikka a ring.. So I reached for my phone in my shorts pocket..

"Hello, Nikka?", I greeted.

"How was it? What did you find out?", she asked with much excitement.

"I got caught in the act by Zed!! I shouldn't have listened to you!", I groaned.

And she burst into a pit of laughter on the other line... I can actually imagine her rolling on her bed, or on the floor, or on wherever she is...with her hands on her tummy.

"W-what do?", she asked suppressing her laugh.

"I ran away.."

"Pppfffttt...ahahahahaha!!"... There she goes again with that laugh.

"I hate you.."

But again..she just answered me a laugh..

I terminated the call....but after a few seconds, she called back.

"What?", I said petending to be mad.

"Sorry....I just imagined how you chickened out..", she said. It's very obvious that she's containing her laugh.

"Dare laugh again, or you'll not hear from me for a week!", I warned.

"Ehem..ehem.. I'm okay now. So back to my question...what did you find out?"

"Nikka.....I'm damn lucky!!!", I squealed.

"Ouch! Not too loud!", she complained.

"Sorry...I mean, I'm not lucky for being caught stalking...but I'm damn lucky because.. I just found out that he wants to win me back!! He said he will court me!!", I squealed again but immediately covered my mouth upon the thought that Auntie might hear me.

"Oh my gosh!! Damn lucky!! I'm happy for you!", she squealed back.

"Haha....thanks Nikka.", I sincerely said.

"Yeah yeah.. Oopsies! I need to go. Do update me...and be ready for the confrontation."

"Ugh!", I groaned.. How will I face him? "Okay bye."

I ended the call and dropped my phone on my bed. I need to compose myself for that confrontation.

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