Chapter 7 "Red angle" (lemon)

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This is leaving off where from last time :D
"Um what do you mean... Grimm?" Ruby asked
Pyrrha drew her sword and was about to hit me but I went into human form and bent her new blade
"This Grimm will kick your ass" I said in her face and pushed her back a bit
"Why are you here?" Glynda asked
"Is it illegal to see my friends?" I asked
"No" Nora replied
"Exactly, so unless you need something I suggest you leave before I do something I regret" I said
"Goodbye" Pyrrha said leaving the room
After they all left I sighed
"Being a god is hard" I said to no one in particular
"We wouldn't know what it feels like" Yang said placing her hand in my shoulder
"I guess, I'm going to take a walk, I need some air" I said
"Ok seeya later!" Ruby said
I left the room and started to walk, no bullying, no talking, no people, it was actually good for me to have some piece and quiet
"Hey!" I heard someone say from behind me
I turned to see Pyrrha
"What do you want?" I asked turning around and continuing to walk
"I know how it feels to be treated like your a king and nobody thinks their good enough to talk to you" she said which made me stop
"I beg your pardon? I am no king, I am not you, Im god, and if you piss me off I will not hesitate to rip your head from your neck, is that clear"
"I want to fight you again" she said
"I don't know if your being brave or ridiculously stupid, but I couldn't care less, cause I'll win no matter what you do, but I'll make it a little bit more fun, and intimate" I said the last part in a hushed whisper
"I didn't quite catch that last part" she said
"Good, so it'll be more fun that way " I said turning into a larger and tougher snake, she hesitated
"A snake?" She asked
"Yes, I'm going to take you to my dorm to fight, I think we'll end up needing it" I said with a smirk
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm going to show you somethin about being a god" I said
"Ok, bring it!" She taunted
"Fool" I whispered
I slowly slithered around her, sometimes making eye contact, when she did I sent some of my magic to her so I can fuck her mind

"Ow, what did you do to my head?" She asked in a groggy and labored voice
"Five minute sleeping spell, just enough time to get you to my dorm" I said with a smirk, then she passed out.
I put her on my back and teleported to my dorm and set her on the large bed.
After four minutes Pyrrha awoke
"Argh my head" she groaned in pain
"Now, are you ready to fight?"no asked going into snake form
"I guess" she said which immediately made me coil around her
"Bah! No fair!" She yelled
"Your so young, Im also young for my immense strength and skill, like you, except I'm ten thousand times stronger then everything combined into one
"try me"
She tried moving but couldn't do anything because of the muscle prison
"I give up" she said
"Good" I said and made an aura form around the room and made a heavier shade of aura on the handle and made us fall onto the bed
"Now, I'm going to say this right now but sorry about the areana and the other encounter a few minutes ago
"It's fine, you won, fair and square" she said kissing the top of my head making me blush lightly
"Good, now I know your comfortable with this" I said with a sultry grin
"What do you mean?" She asked
I slowly grew to a 40ft snake and coiled on top of her
"What are you going t-ahh"she moaned as I licked her neck with my forked tongue, I slowly took off her armor but not clothes, she had a red skirt, yellow panties, yellowish orange bra, and a red tanktop
"You look as if you wanted this" I said
"Do you want th-ahhh, the truth?" She asked as I licked her stomach
"You wanted this didn't you?" I asked
"M-ahhh, maybe" she moaned
"I'm taking that as a yes" I said
I licked the crook of her neck, and I slowly squirmed underneath her clothes, which made her moan like there was no tomorrow
"Your to good" she murmured under her breath
"I've gotten that one just an hour ago" I said with a grin
"What are y-AHHHH" she moaned when I lightly bit her nipple
"You liked that didn't you" I asked
"Uh, huh" she muttered
"Good" I said while biting her other one, I made my tail go down her skirt.
"Not yet please"
"As you wish" I said making my tail go to the side
I slowly licked and bite her back all over the place and she's been getting much warmer, and I will make her have an orgasm if it's the last thing I do
I slowly let my sensitive tongue into her mouth.
She just pulled me closer which made my tongue go down her throat and make her breath heavily, but not gag because my tongue is so flat and thin
"Feels so good" she muttered
"Good" I said which made my tongue go even further
My tongue slowly massaged the inside of her neck which made her go lust crazy
"Please. more" she begged
"It'll require me to take out my tongue"
"*whine* ok"
I smiled at her choice, I slowly retracted my tongue which made her whimper from pleasure.
When I was finished I moved my head down her bare stomach to her skirt
"No-not there, anywhere but there" she begged
"Ive been teasing for to long" I said
I navigated my head down her leg then between her legs and looked at her wet panties
"Someone's excited" I said
"Uh-uh" she murmured
I slid off her panties a bit to allow my tongue entry, I was just about to put it in her until I heard her beg
"Please don't, please don't do it, I beg you, I'll go insane, and scream, and then people will think someone's hurt
I slipped my head back up to hers
"Has anyone come in yet?" I asked knowing I was going to win
"Uh... No"
"I know you haven't screamed yet, but you will, and nobody will know, hear, or care"
"Wait did you put a"
"Yes I put a sound barrier around the room and reinforced the walls and door, so nobody will know" I said in victory
"Plea-ahhhh" she moaned as I forcefully shoved my tongue down her throat
"Now, I will do as I please, unless I deam it unnecessary" I said which vibrated my tongue which made her shiver in delight
"Just don't go-ahh, hard on me please" she pleaded
"I would do it no other way for a first timer" I said
"How did you know?" She asked with very labored breaths from my tongue in her throat
"I'm a god I know things" I said with a scaly smile
"You can do it now" she said
"Good" I did while I exited her throat and slithered back down to her womanhood, I got rid of her panties entirely this time
"It already fe-AAAHHHHHHHHH!!" She screamed so loud me ears popped (did we change altitude or something?) I pulled out my tongue to let her relax
"*heavy breath* that was*heavy breath* crazy" she replied completely in-aware of the pleasure I'm about to give
"I haven't even started" I said
"Please no more, please, if was to much"
"I don't care" I said just slightly angry
"Plea-AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed when I entered my tongue
I kept moving it around tasting her juices and feeling her insides
I instinctively pulled out
"It's to much pleasure I feel like I'm going to explode!" She said between breaths
"That's a good feeling, when you feel it that means your close to an orgasm" I said
Her eyes widened
"Don't you d-AAAAHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed for the tenth time in those 20 minutes
I pulled out
"Why. Did. You. Stop?" She asked between breaths
"You said you didn't want it" I replied
"Please just give me all you've got" she pleaded
I slowly slithered my way up her stomach and licking her all the way there, I slowly bit her nipple and Licked which made her groan and moan in exctacy.
I bit and licked her other nipple and got the same reaction, I slowly made my way up her while coiling her up as if I was to constrict her
"Are you going to kill me now?" She asked angiostatin scared since she can't fight back
"And why would I do that? My red angle?"
"Because you can" she replied
"I would never kill you, I love you" I said with a light blush
"I love you t-ahhhh" she moaned as I put my tongue in her mouth and constriction on certain places to make her moan
"Stop, I-I-I'm going t-to AHHHH" she screamed as she had her first ever orgasm
"Mission accomplished" I said in her ear and started to make my self a little warmer so she would recover faster
"That felt great" she said
"I'm sure it did" I said
"I'm tired can you take me back to my dorm please?"
Hey guys I hope your enjoying these!
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