Chapter 10 "tournument"

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I suck (but you swallow)at lemon, I wanted to say this right now
I was sitting on one of the bleachers waiting for the first teams to be picked.
Five minutes later the teams where picked, it was team RWBY (what a surprise right) vs team VOID (not a real team in the actual show), I really wanted to go down and help but it would be unfair, so I just watched.
VOID was getting rekt, half of the areana was mountain and the other was volcano, there was a girl that was super fast and pissing of Yang, Blake was overpowering a guy with a large great sword, Ruby was pissing of another guy, he was in mid-evil knight armor with a tower shield and a great sword in the other hand, it was surprising because the great sword was bigger then him, and he had it one hand, but he was like an elephant-slow, which have Ruby the advantage, next, Weiss kept freezing the other team and using her rapier to attack a sniper on the top of the mountain.
Soon after RWBY was victorious, VOID was pissed off and started ranting about how unfair it was
"I'll show him what unfair is" I mumbled.
Next was JNPR vs PERL (again PERL is not a legit team).
JNPR was getting rekt the first minute or so, mostly because they had no team work, eventually they got their bearings and fought back with more "persition" and won in the end.
Next team was GOST(my team) vs CEM (cider, emerald, and mercury)
Instead of walking to the tunnels I just jumped to the middle which made a large debt In the metal.
I stared at the dent and looked up to the commentators.
"SORRY BOUT THE MIDDLE PLATFORM GUYS!!" I yelled loud enough for them to hear.
In turn everyone, I repeat EVERYONE laughed, I could barely hear it because the bleachers where so far away
"WAS IT SOMETHING I SAID?!" I yelled with a noticeable smirk.
Everyone laughed even harder, which made me surprised.
Eventually it died down and team CEM was in the middle across from me.
I did a two-finger salute in a mocking way which made the other team growl, except emerald who just smiled menacingly
I waited for about 10 more seconds and made a chair out of thin air which made CEM gasp
"Miss me?" I asked
"I-it's you?" Emerald asked in shock
I waited to answer because of what happened a few weeks before, I smiled
"Ah, I remember now, of course who else I was just curios what was going on, heheh" I chuckled
"You will pay" cinder proclaimed
"START THE GODDAMN ROUND NOW!" I yelled and stood up and got rid of the chair
"3.2.1 START" the commentator yelled
"Finally" I said out loud
"Your tellin me" Mercury replied
"Ok, bring it" I taunted
They charged and I summoned my armor and my sword

1 START" the commentator yelled"Finally" I said out loud"Your tellin me" Mercury replied"Ok, bring it" I taunted They charged and I summoned my armor and my sword

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I got into a defensive stance ready for them to attack, soon enough they got close enough so I could slash at them, I actually cut at Mercury arms, but instead of getting cut off he just sttagered, then I remember that instead of crying then it ju...

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I got into a defensive stance ready for them to attack, soon enough they got close enough so I could slash at them, I actually cut at Mercury arms, but instead of getting cut off he just sttagered, then I remember that instead of crying then it just takes it off there health bar on the wall to the right, I looked to the right and noticed that my health was over 30million, I just stared
"I should have more health then that" I murmured
"Huh?" They all totally forgot about me and looked and all baked away as they gasped
"How do you have so much?" Cinder asked
"As I said in the training, I'm a god" I said
I made my armor disperse and became a hydra
"It's been fun, but..."
I was about to finish but got hit in the back.
I turned to see another 3 teams
"Huh" I said
"What, scared?" A kid asked
"No."no said turning back to a human with new armor

"no said turning back to a human with new armor

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He jumped I bit from the sudden change.
The kid wore some armor on his chest and arms.
"What's your name kid?" I asked
"Cardin" he replied
I was surprised that it was one of the bullies
"Ok, well you guy should be scared" I said summoning 5 grey Ursa's around me like a ring
"Sicum" I yelled
The Ursa's charged the small army of students
They where instantly cut down by several 10 millimeter bullets.
I looked to see w girl with a minigun and black shaded sun glasses
"A minigun, pathetic" I said summoning a Zergling which scared the shit out of the stadium
"What is that?!" The girl with the minigun yelled
"Zergling, it doesn't follow rules very well, but I'm in complete control" I said
I ordered the Zerg to attack the minigun chick, which he immediately responded by jumping at her and sinking its two claws into her shoulders.
She screamed in pain.
Soon I saw a red scythe cut the little fuck in half.
I picked up my zergling with telepathy and brought him closer
"What a waist" I said
I looked to where the scythe came from and saw RWBY standing 10ft away in the tree line
"Im going to math this alright" I said which in turn I earned confused looks
(6x4 is 24-1= 23)
"Ok I have 23 people teamed against me in one team against me, who knew?"
They just made a small crowd in front of me without a word, people with shields went in front, people with long melee weapons where behind and people with guns stayed in back, but RWBY was in very from with team CEM which was surprising
"Ohh goody" I said strewing back several meters, the students didn't say a word nor advanced.
I summoned an army, 20 men in front with tower shields that are bullet proof, men in middle with swords and smaller shields, and in back where men with crossbows and bows
"I'm waiting" I announced
"ATTACK!" Cinder yelled and everyone charged
I telepathically told my men to be ready to be stormed by rhinos and in response they held their ground, a rhino could literally ran it and my men wouldn't budge
Soon the student made contact with my shield wall which instantly stopped them and they staggered
"What happened?!" A few yelled
"Being a god pays off does it not?" I said mockingly
They just stared daggers at me
"Jees I'm trying some humor" I said
I got rid of my army and teleported to the nearest people and grabbed them which made them yell
"Let go!!" They yelled
"Nope" I said and threw them to the boundary which meant they where out of the game and they left the areana
"3 down" I mocked
"Attack!!" Cinder yelled again
They charged but I grabbed one by the neck and head butt him, next one I drained his aura to where he fell unconscious, I then used a dragon shout and sent them flying 10ft
"I like having infinite power and possibilities" I said
"Must be nice" Yang said standing up with red eyes and glowing hair
"Yang, you mad?" I asked in a mocking tone
"You make me want to tear out your heart"
"If I was a mortal you could" I said
By now the rest stood up, I looked to the board and noticed I've taken 17 damage and every one else was around 80.
When they got up they instantly charged but I used my scythe to hit the ground and make a shockwave to send them back
"Stop this!" One of the students yelled
"Nope" I said and sliced him which made him "die" and fall to the ground unconscious
The rest formed a medium sized circle around me and I waited
"CHARGE!" Yang yelled and charged at me but the rest stayed put
I simply grabbed yang by the throat and chocked her which drained her health, when it went to zero I dropped her to the ground
"I can do this all day" I said to the ones still standing, which was Pyrrha, Cinder, Ruby, Blake, Nora, and a few others.
They just started close in one me and I sighed
I smashed the ground which sent them all away and made there health fall to zero,except for Pyrrha, Cinder, and Emerald
"Well, now isn't this a suprise?" I asked
"W-we'll never give up!" Pyrrha replied
"There is 3 of you, at 20hp left, and I ", am at 35,000,000hp, you have no hope" I said
"We will pre-" she got knocked out before she could finish
I picked up the last two and threw them to the boundary wall.
"Pathetic!" I yelled

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