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 A  heavy downpour racked the small town of Gemütlich, a small child could be seen shivering in the dark alleyway, he seemed to be hiding. As he heard shouts of “Tötet den Dämon,” The boy’s eyes widened and he cursed softly,“Gott Verdammt.” He quickly got to his feet, scrambling to escape before the mob became aware of his presence. He quickly  raced to get further into the shadows, away from the oncoming mob of villagers. Sadly, he slipped from the perilous slickness of the soaked pavement, falling into a cluster of trashcans. The sound of his crash alerted the quickly formed throng of mundanes to his location. “Es ist der Dämon!” One man from the crowd shouted, throwing a stone at the boy, who’s dark curly hair was sticking to his head from the heavy rain, the boy grunted in pain and the crowd once again got a clear look at his appearance. His eyes seemingly endless pits of crimson filled with fear, his mouth filled with fang like teeth, to add to his already demonic appearance, his spade like tail swished about erratically in response to the fear that flooded his system.

They surged forward, pelting him with stones with more force with each step closer. They continuously screeched out, “Tötet den Dämon,” as the stones continued to slice through his tender flesh.

A man from the crowd pulled out a small dagger, screaming “Beenden Sie den Dämon!” A few people from the swarm snuck up behind him and pinned him to the alley floor, just as the man with the blade--who appeared to be the ringleader--slowly approached, taking pride in finally killing the demon. The man jerked his wrist, and just before the blade connected with the young boy’s skin, something odd occurred; The boy’s eyes seemed to glow brighter  as adrenaline kicked in, he acted on instinct and with a loud bamf he vanished in a black and red burst of smoke that smelled of sulfur and brimstone.

    The boy found himself a few feet above a forest clearing. He landed in a crouch, looking around, he was extremely puzzled and exhausted “V-vhat, vas zhat?” He said panting slightly, his eyes glowing ominously in the darkness that blanketed the forest, “Vhere am I?” He began walking in a random direction, he had never had any problems seeing in the dark anyways, the shadows always seemed to stretch out him, welcoming him as if they were old friends; he felt safe in the darkness, untouchable.  As he looked around, taking in the scenery, he noticed something hidden with the cover of the trees, something with glowing eyes. He wanted to approach it, but he wasn't sure if he should. It quickly left his mind as he focused on what had just happened. He had somehow vanished….. It was odd, he felt weightless, ethereal almost, but it felt natural. He'd been walking for quite awhile now, and he felt was making good ground, but he wanted to cover more. Although with his next step he felt a slight  prick in his neck and his vision began to blur, he only heard a few words from an unknown voice before he fell unconscious, “Good, he is a perfect specimen to test our newest creation, good job soldier. “

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