The procedure

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He awoke with a start, but restraints restricted his movement, not allowing him to do much movement along with that, he could see he was in a cage. Why did he need restraints and a cage? He tried to recreate what happened back in the village but for some reason he couldn’t,  he wasn’t able to. Maybe what had happened was simply a fluke nothing more, he began to think. He raised his head as much as possible to look around at his surroundings. He was met with the sight of advanced machinery, and a electronic beeping filled his ears, he was hooked to a machine from what he could tell, locked in a cage, trapped with no way out. He sighed “ Ist das nicht einfach toll.”

“Vhat can I do here….?” A stern feminine voice soon called out to him, “Nothing, you aren’t leaving this facility, boy.” The woman spat the last word as if it were poison, “You are nothing more than a pawn now, our puppet to be used and discarded at our leisure.” The boy’s eyes widened at those words and his eyes glowed, he bared his teeth and growled. “NIEN, I AM NO ONE’S PUPPET   
HÜNDIN!” The woman simply stared coldly at the boy, “Begin the procedure.” A voice came over the intercom, “Yes Ma'am.” He glared at the woman as he started to buck wildly, trying to stop the syringes from coming in contact with his skin; but even trying his best, wasn’t good enough. The restraints were too strong and he couldn’t break free . The boy felt a stabbing pain in the center of his spine that spread to his arm, he let loose a scream of pure agony. The syringes plunged into his popping veins, dispensing a vibrant violet liquid. He felt a chill in his bloodstream and something else, something coating his spine, the bones in his arms shifting making room for something. On the outside changes were happening as well, red and black lines ran up from the base of his spine, to his wrists. What little resistance he was showing evaporated as the fluid coursed through him and he collapsed back onto the table. His vision swam as he tried to focus on one thing but that was impossible as everything slipped away from him as his screams were drowned out by the mechanical whirring. The pain soon caused him to blackout, once it became too much for him to handle, and soon he was in an induced dream, starting phase one.  

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