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The next day Jeremy was at his house thinking about that knife. 'Maybe they'll find Vincent and...' Jeremy heard the phone ring and quickly picked it up hoping it was the police. "Hello...?" Said Jeremy. "Hello, is this Jeremy Fitzgerald?" "Yes I'm Jeremy Fitzgerald." "Ok we've found fingerprints on it..., but we don't know how it belongs to. Do you have any idea who might is belongs to?" "I do. And I hope you can find him..., it might be Vincent Bishop, the guy who escaped Alla hospital." "Ok... thank you so much." The lady on the other line hung up as well as Jeremy. He grabbed his keys and drove to to the hospital just to see if they're still running. When Jeremy got there, there was tons of police tape around the door not letting anyone in. He got out the car and ran to the front door, but he didn't know why he did that. He saw the tape from his car. "Why did I think it would be opened? I saw it from my car." Jeremy said to himself. He got worried wondering where Mike would be. Jeremy took out his phone and called Emily to see if she'd answer. She did. "Hello, who is this?" Emily gave Jeremy her phone number when she saw him in the hospital. "It's Jeremy, but I wanted to ask you if you know where all the patience at Alla hospital would be at?" "Oh hi and they would be Caslon hospital. Why?" "Listen to news..." "I was working, plus I was asleep before it came on!" "Meh, still. Ok well I have to go bye!" "No no no wait!!" "What?!" "Jeremy, y'know how Mike's in the state he's in now?" "Well yea, duh, and how do you know that he's like that?" "The news yesterday... they really need to update it." "Yea, ok what about Mike?" "I have blood for him..., we're a blood match!" Jeremy didn't move. He stood thanking what he could say. "You... are...?" "Yes Jeremy I am! He'll be fine with my blood." "But when he has your blood..., you'll die or something! And your kids-" "Jeremy I won't die my kids are fine, plus I have back up from a guy who wants to die anyways." "Than why won't you just give the guys blood to Mike and you don't have to suffer. And is he old is that why he wants to die?" "Well yea he kinda is and I don't want Mike to have a mean person's blood in him. But he dose know him too I guess ." "Wait he's mean?" "Yea but if I say who he is you'll die of sadness and ask why him." "Who?" "Your ummm... step dad..." "My... I don't care 'bout him... he was an..." "Ass?" "Yea but I don't swear y'know?" "Yea..." "But I don't care, sure Mike might but he doesn't have to know." "Do you really think I'm doing that?" "Well I..., wait how do you know him?!" "I just do... dammit Jimmy..! I have to go, bye!" "Bye..." Jeremy let Emily do whatever Jimmy needed her for, but Jeremy wondered what Jimmy wanted her for. He knew that she loves her kid and would never yell at the for anything. But whatever it was pissed her off..., really bad. Jeremy drove to Caslon hospital, and when he was driving there he was hoping that the police would call soon. And as he wished that's what he got, they caught Vincent. Jeremy's phone rang, so Jeremy pulled over and picked up. "Hello Jeremy?" "Yea I'm Jeremy." "Ok so we've caught Vincent and yes those are his fingerprints!" "You... caught... him...?" "Yesss... are you ok?!" "Fine, I'm just happy... also do you know here Caslon hospital is?" "Oh yes! It's right by... well the only Applebee's we have here so... yea. Also why?" "Umm friend was at Alla hospital and all that jazz. Haha." "Oh ok also-" "Coraline! Are you using the phone to talk to your friends again?!" "N-no sir, I had to call Jeremy about the knife and he just asked where Caslon hospital was. That's all!" "Good!" "I have to go Jeremy, bye!" "B... bye."

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