Came back

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Jeremy was upstairs in his room, waiting for the hospital to call. 'Its been a week... should I call Emily?' He thought, but than he got a call. He quickly picked it up, in hopes it was the hospital. "Hello?" Jeremy said. "Hello, Jeremy?" "Yes?" "We have a blood transplant, she says she knows you, her name, Emily." "Yes!" "So you know her?" "Yes!" "Ok, what we are going to do is have the transplant today and... are you crying?" "No, it's the tv, one sec. ok." Jeremy turned off the tv. "Ok so we have her here, waiting and so can we continue?" "Yes..., bye." "Bye!" Jeremy hung up, and jumped up from excitement. "Mike you're going to be o-" Jeremy was cut off by a loud knock on his door. He ran downstairs, still with a smile on his face, but the smile quickly fell, Jeremy's stomach turned at who was there. "Jeremy, you have to help me!" It was Vincent. He was in an orange jumpsuit, covered with mud. "What?! No you're a felon, a murder, you're sick, ill!! I won't help you!" "Ill slice you open and feed you to the lions at the nearest zoo." "Ok what do you need help with?" "Hide me, for maybe a week?" "A full blooded week?!" "Just one week!" "But that's a long time..." "Oh well, I guess I'm going to the zoo then." Smiled Vincent. "No no, a week is fine!" "That's what I thought. So did you throw out my bed, or...?" "Hadn't had the chance to. Haha.. *sigh*" "You haven't changed the house?" "No, I like it like this."  "Man it feels good to be back ho-" "You're not staying, and plus  this isn't *your* home, its mine, and-" "Let me cut you off there. Jeremy look, I'm not staying, well I am, for only a week, and when did you get so confident?" "After... you... left, you've been putting me down?!" "Ding ding fucking ding, did it really take you this long to find that out?!" "I-" "You what? Why else would I say, "Don't do that." or "Don't do this." and "Don't tell him." you..., look what I'm saying is not important ok?" "I, I don't fucking know! *gasp!!*" "Look he's breaking out his shell!" "I didn't mean to-" "What? Swear? C'mon it's not bad to." "But it's..., not right to! My father did it, and I don't want to be anything like him!" "To fucking bad, Jeremy." "I don't want to swear... ever!" "Whatever, but I know you will, on propose next time." "Yeah, ok." In just a few hours later Jeremy fell asleep on his couch and Vincent was still up. He was upstairs watching tv in his old room. He was surfing through the channels looking to see if anything interesting was on. He did this for maybe 5 minuets, until he heard a knock on the front door. He got up, went downstairs, and woke up Jeremy. "Jeremy someone's knocking on the door!" Vincent said in a quiet-yelling voice. "Ok go upstairs, and I'll look." Jeremy got up and opened the door. "Mike?!" "I missed you, Jeremy." Mike hugged Jeremy as tight as he could. This surprised Jeremy and jumped back a bit, but Mike didn't let go. "Oh god fucking fuck it's just Mike!!" "Jeremy who the hell was that, you're not cheating on me are you?" "Mike no, why would I do that? Also Mike please don't get mad at me... when you see who it is." "What?" "Come out..." "Hiya!" Vincent came downstairs waving his hand. Mike ran towards him but Jeremy quickly grabbed his arm. "Mike no!" "Jeremy, he's a felon, a fucking murder!" Jeremy came close to Mike's ear and whispered to him what Vincent said if he didn't hide him here. "I'll take care of hi-" "Mike please stop! I can make my own choices!" "But this choice is bad!!" "He'll kill me if I don't!" "Mike look-" "Vincent, you have no room to talk!" "I can just leave is what I was going to say..." "Than fucking go!" "Fine!" "Fine!" "Shut up, the both of you!! Vincent grab your sh-stuff, Mike you're staying here, god!" "Damn when did you get so bossy? And were you going to swear?" "What no, I'm just tried." "Sure." Mike came in and snapped at Vincent as he came out saying, "I'll tell them..." "Mike!" "What?!" Jeremy and Mike went upstairs to Jeremy's room, to lay in the bed. Mike spooned Jeremy. Jeremy's back warm up against Mike's cheats, they both fell asleep, cuddling.

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