My Neighbor VIXX

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This sucks!Why did SooZee have to leave tonight? Of all days to take off and have me house sit for her why on my vacation time! She owes me big time for this.

"You know you owe me for this, right?", I commented to her not taking my eyes off of the people crossing in front of the car as we waited for the light to change.

When we finally start moving again SooZee apologized once more, "I know! I know! And I'm really sorry. You know I wouldn't have asked you to do this if I didn't have to. But look on the bright side, it's just for three weeks and I'm even letting you borrow my credit card. And besides you love playing with Navi and Saja."

The things I'll do for a friend. Seriously if she wasn't the only friend I had made in Korea this year I would have told her to ask some one else.

"Okay, whatever. But do you really have to go camping with his family? I mean come on you guys haven't even been dating for that long. You just met the guy like a week ago."

"Hahaha very funny Eliza. I'll have you know we've been together for 3 months now."Soozee replied with a very fake laugh.

"Exactly! that's like a week in dog days!"

"Speaking of dogs, don't forget to give Navi her medication. I recommend that you grind it up and mix in her food. Or else you'll have a hard time feeding it to her."

"Seriously SooZee I know how to give a dog its meds. I could have been in be in my cozy bed with my books right now!" I whined.

"Eliza stop complaining YOU were the one who agreed to watch my babies and house sit for me."

"That's because YOU made a big scene begging me on your knees in front of EVERYONE in the cafe. They probably thought I was breaking up with you!"

" You wish! Well whatever the reason this is will be good experience for you. It's about time you got out of your little rat hole..."

"Hey!" I turned away from watching the moving scenery ready to pinch her for offending my apartment. It may be small but it is not a rat hole..

"Let me finish" she said with her free hand swatting my fingers away.

"Don't get me wrong I love hanging out at your place but you have been behaving like a hermit lately and I'm worried. You haven't been going out except to go to work. I think yesterday was the first time in months you had gone out with me." she said all this with such a serious face I knew she meant every word she spoke.

I will not deny that lately I have preferred the company of my books over that of real people. But it's just so much easier this way, I don't have worry about embarrassing myself and having awkward conversations with people.

When I first arrived to Korea I wasn't like this. I honestly tried my best to befriend people but I always did something stupid like confuse a fellow teacher's son for a girl. Also my age always made things awkward with the other teachers and students because I'm currently 21 years old. So I'm about just 4 years older than my students (I teach English at a high school.) and about 7 years younger than the youngest teacher there. It didn't help either that I didn't drink or that I was a picky eater. So I pretty much never got invited to go out with my co-workers after work.

SooZee becoming friends with me was pure luck. I met her because Mrs. Moon, the principle at my school, was looking to hire a private tutor for her gran daughter who was a year older than me. It turns out she was having trouble with the college level English courses. Since I had nothing better to do and the pay was good; I agreed.And who would have guessed SooZee sucking at English would have been what brought us together.

My Neighbor VIXXWhere stories live. Discover now