Chapter 5

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"Wait! You guys already know each other?" exclaimed JaeHwan.

"Hyung how can you know each other already if we barely met her yesterday?" asked Hyuk.

"Do you mind if I answer their questions?" HongBin asked me with an expression on his face that seems to be remembering our last encounter. Oh God! He can't tell them about that day!Unless he has already told them. What do I do? Right then my phone decided to ring. At a quick glance I could see it was SooZee. Before it could ring a second time I silenced it. 

"Who was that?" JaeHwan asked curiously.

"No one" I said quickly. Maybe a little too quickly because he just stared at me with a weird expression on his face.

"There really isn't much to say about it. I met Miss Eliza through my mother who is her co-teacher." HongBin said with an innocent smile at my direction. My jaw dropped. He didn't tell them. My guardian angel seriously needs to get a promotion.

"Oh,really? Well that's cool" said WonShik

"Yeah but I only met Miss Eliza once prior to today. So it's really nice to see you again. I hope you have been well." said HongBin while giving me the same exact smile like when we first met. 

                                                                        * * *

Oh darn it I'm going to be late for the company dinner. Why of all days is the traffic so bad. As I stared out the window to see if the traffic was finally moving I get a text from SooZee. 

SooZee: Hey where are you? Everyone is here and Grams is not happy. She keeps asking where you are at!

Me: I'm stuck in a traffic it's not my fault >.<

Me:Traffics finally flowing. I'll be there in 10 mins so stall for me.

SooZee:Well hurry up I'll see what I can do PS I got some one I want you to meet ;)

When I finally arrived I everyone was sitting down eating already.

"Eliza over here" SooZee shout while waving me over to the table she was sharing with her four other people. I quickly rushed to her with my head bowed in embarrassment because everyone was staring at me. Seriously why do they have to stare it's not like they never seen a person walk in before.

"I saved you a seat! So sit" SooZee said while pulling out the chair between her and some other person. I quickly sat down. Luckily SooZee's grandmother was still busy chatting with a fellow teacher.

"It's about time you finally showed up. I was so lonely. " she said 

"I'm very sorry but I told you already I..." As always impatient SooZee interrupted me.

"Yeah 'stuck in traffic' whatever luckily I had this kind person here to keep me company." she said with a wink at the person next to me who blushed in return."Eliza I liked to introduce to you my childhood friend HongBin. And HongBin this manner less girl is Eliza. Now that's done let's be good friends and eat!" she said.

"I said I was sorry already. Wait you haven't eaten yet?" I was shocked because SooZee never waits for anyone.

"Well you know if it was up to me I would have already been eating but sweet little Hongbin here said we should wait for you." She said with a spoon full of food in her mouth to emphasize her point.

"Sorry about that but you really didn't have to wait for me." I said turning to HongBin shyly because I was never good at meeting new people. I took this moment to get a quick look at her. She is very pretty. Her skin is so pale and flawless. I would kill to have her complexion.  She had wavy chin length hair that framed her V shaped face perfectly. But I think she would look even better if she grew her hair longer.  She was very slim which isn't unusual for Korean girls but I found it very strange how she dressed in a loose fitted v-neck shirt and even looser cardigan with some plain skinny jeans. Most girls I've seen here tend to dress up like they were going to a photo shoot or something. But HongBin seemed to be very causally dressed but she still made it look very chic. She could probably pass for a very handsome guy. Wait what if HongBIn way SooZee would  have told me about introducing me to a guy but then again she wouldn't because she knows I wouldn't have come.

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