Chap 6

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"Slow down!Navi stop!" I shouted as tried to rein in Navi to no avail. As soon as we started to walk in the direction of the park after her check up she began to run. What should have a 15 minute walk was shorten into a 5 minute sprint. I was out of breath when we finally arrived at the park. I was surprised I didn't see alot of people which was unusual because this park was very popular.

"Ok Navi I'm gonna take off you leash but you better not cause trouble." I said as I finally release from the leash that she dislike so much. With that she ran off to do whatever dogs do in a public park. I walk to the nearest bench which was underneath some trees and had a direct view of the duck pond. Right across from the pond I saw a large crowd formed around what looked to be a stage. I wonder if they're here to see HongBin and his friends perform. They said the concert started at 4 it's 3:51 right now.But I didn't know they were very popular unless they're some one else's opening act. What did they say their band name was?Now I am a bit curious to see them perform. I called Navi back and started to head towards the crowd.  By the time I got to where they were performing the crowd had grown larger. I could hardly see the stage from where I was standing.

"Well what did I expect when I got here right at 4." I sighed. As I continued to try to get a glimpse of the stage. Navi began to tug on her leash. "No Navi. Sit!" Who was I kidding myself Navi practically dragged to to the park. Navi began to head towards the edge of the crowd sniffing the ground as she pushed through people who weren't happy by her doing so.

"Watch where you're going!" one person shouted.

"Hey!" an angry fan girl yelled at me.

"I'm sorry. Excuse me." I apologized since there was nothing I could do, Navi was in total control. Navi finally found what she was looking for. More like who she was looking for. She stopped right in front of a girl and began to bark while wagging her tail happily.

"Navi what are you doing here?" the girl asked surprised by her presence . She crouched down and began to pet her. The girl had long straight black hair she looked to be about 14 or 15 years old. Something about her seemed very familiar but I couldn't figure it out. "Oh hello there. Is it safe to assume you are Eliza Wood, unni's teacher friend?"

"Yes. Sorry about Navi she's hard to control sometimes." I replied

"Don't worry about it. I've seen how she drags SooZee unni around so I know you did your best. Beside I always enjoy Navi's hellos." Right on cue Navi bark as if to agree. "You're lucky she brought you here. This is the best spot to watch the show from."

"I'm sorry I didn't get your name. I seems lately there are many people who know me that I never met."

"I'm sorry it's just that unni has talked about you so much I felt like we are already friends. And oppa said you probably be here. My name is Kim JiWon. I actually have seen you before at Seondeok High School."

"Oh you are a student there?" I asked. That would explain why she looked familiar. But what oppa is she talking about?

"Yes I just started this year. I'm going to be in your English class this coming semester. " she stated.

"Really? Who is your oppa?" but before she could answer me we were interrupted by the screaming fans.

"It's starting!" she exclaimed

JiWon wasn't lying this was the best spot to watch the show without be trampled. I saw a group of guys taking the stage. Wait is that them? They seemed to have changed completely from the guys I met only hours ago. They didn't seem as playful; they had a very serious demeanor. Even JaeHwan who was all smiles transformed into an ice prince. When they began to dance I was amazed by their synchronization. And their voices were so perfectly combined. And then it finally hit me seeing them up there. I couldn't believe it; I knew who they were all along. They're VIXX! A really popular boy band. SooZee had told me about them and even given me their CD as a gift. How could I have forgotten? When the song finally ended HakYeon thanked the fans for coming.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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