Narrator's POV

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    After weeks and eventually a month of searching Beauty could not be found. They eventually told her mother, and she immediately ran to the police, but they couldnt find her either.
    Beauty's insecurities led her to believe nobody was looking , and she had become accustomed to her "new life" in Atlanta. They made her cut her hair,straighten it and color it, giving her a new appearance.  She later discovered it was Handsome and Mya that kidnapped her, and was often smacked with the question of why?
   Zay had never been more saddened in his life, Beauty had become a major part of his life, and living without her was becoming pure hell. Nobody was taking her absence as hard as Brison , his big sister , second mother , care giver , she was gone and comforting him with lies wasnt working anymore , his mother had given up not believing her own lies.
   Nobody was the same , nobody know who took it the hardest Zay,Brison , or their mother....consumed in their own feelings nobody considered Beauty's.

Sorry it took so long , I've been...drained.
its like 3 more chapters left , and they will be finished.

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