Fatty McFatterson

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So this idea came to right after the last one but I figured I'll make y'all wait a couple of hours then upload it k? Alright here ya go.

"I'm fucking huge FITZ! I gained 20 pounds in the last two weeks and I'm only 3 months."

"Olivia calm down its okay we can get something so that you keep your weight but keep my baby healthy."

"Fitz I'm fat." she started to cry.

"Baby? Baby please look at me." She looked up.

"You are not fat you are beautiful and I wouldn't have you any other way now can we please focus on something other thank your, PERFECT, size like our wedding in 5 days?"

"Yes I'm sorry I just can't wait until that honeymoon."

"Mhm, me too."

"Oh I get you just want to get me before I blow up like a whale!"She runs in the bathroom slams the door and locks it.

"Ughhh, Olivia you know thats not what I meant I just wanted some alone time with you baby and you know it so how about you calm down come back out here and give daddy some sugar and maybe something else."

"Why so you can stare at my fat thats growing in? LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Fitz POV-

This women is hysterical. All I wanna do is make her feel better and she thinks I'm attacking her. What the hell did I do?

End of POV

"Olivia come on baby please? You know I didn't mean it lik-"

"How did you mean it I'm fat and YOU of all people should know it!"

"Olivia you know your  the tiniest person I know? You can gain 6000 pounds and you would still be as light as a feather so please baby don't beat your-sexy-self up over a little weight that you gained ok."

"See Fitz I knew you wouldn't understand because you suck at considering my feeling when it comes to my body. You want me to think those things so I can forget about feeling this way. Well guess what baby I'm NOT going to stop feeling this way because YOU did this to my body. I had a PERFECT FRAME!" The door was open now and she was yelling "In his face".

"You damn right I did this to your body because I love you, and I want the baby that you are giving me now if you could please shut the HELL up, and yes I just said that to you, we could be done and you would feel beautiful you want to know why?"

She nodded.

"Because you are unbelievably gorgeous Olivia Caroline Grant- Oops I mean Pope. You are the most eloquent women and you are DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! So yes shut the hell up put on some clothes that fit because we are going to get you some clothes so that you won't be so sad about everything that 'Doesn't Fit' And then when we are done you and I are going to have sex everwhere in this Damn HOUSE."

Olivia POV-

Damn he's sexy when he gets mad.

End of POV

"Fitz, can I just say that you are the sexiest man on earth when you get all 'sex all over house' ish."

He smirked.

"Guess how sexy I am when we do have 'sex all over the house' ish."

What did you think? Well I for one love aggressive Fitz! *squeals* Leave comments and Fluff Gladiators !

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