We're Not Getting It On

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"Hey baby still feel fat?"

"Oh of course you would say something like that to your fat pregnant wife that is very sensative about her body you jerk."

"Livy baby you know that I am just kidding sooooo, wanna have sex?"


"You know you love me."

"I do and its sad that I do."

"Do you feel that?"

He pushed his erection against her leg.

"Umm, Fitz I can't.. think when thats against my leg."

"Can't think when whats against your leg?"

"Your ... penis. mhm ."

"Baby do you want to have sex?"


She moved away from him.

"Because I'M FAT!!!!"

Next Week

"Can we have sex now?" asked Fitz.

"How many times do i have to say we are not having sex until I have this kid that you wanted oh so bad. Blame your baby."

"Can we atleast find out the sex of the child?"

"No i said I'm not giving you anything that you want."

"Livy please give me something that I want."

"No FITZ! No shut up about it."

He was pissed and she just told him to shut up? Oh hell nawl.

"Olivia Caroline Grant, don't you ever tell me to shut up or there will be hell to pay."

"Really Fitz what are you going to do?"


"What do you mean nothing?"

"I mean I'm not going to do anything because I'm not arguing with you any longer. You don't want to have sex, then we don't."

"No. We are going to have sex right now because, you don't want to."

"No Olivia we are not. Good night baby."

"Fitzgerald if you walk away right now I swear to god i will leave this house."

"No you will not. You will come to bed right now."

"Like hell I will."

"Olivia don't make me come and get you from across the room."


He walked over her picked her up and threw her over his sholder.

"Fitzgerald Grant put me down right now!"

"Or what? What you gonna do babe?"

"We are not gonna have any more kids." she smirked.

"Like hell we're not. As soon as this baby comes out your getting pregnant again."

"I'm not giving you any!"

"Like hell your not."

"I'm dead serious. I'm sleeping in the guest bedroom."


"Watch me."

By the time she said that he was stripping her of her clothes.

Later In The Bedroom**

"Your not getting anymore", said Olivia.

"Watch me," He said with a smirk.

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