Why you so sick?

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Fitz's POV-

Barfing was coming from the bathroom when he woke up and his Livy wasn't by his side. Oh my gosh is she late? If we have a baby I will be so excited you won't even know. "Livy are you okay? Baby do you need anything?'

"No Fitz I'm fine go back to sleep baby."

He got up and went into the bathroom.

"Baby I asked you if you needed help."

"I'm FINE!"

"You're not fine! Now what do you need?"

"I need benadryl and Ginger Ale thanks."

"Livy you need to talk to me k?"

She stats throwing up again.

At The Store : Fitz POV-

Benadryl and Ginger Ale . oohh Pregnancy test. Pulls out phone.


"Yes Fitz?"

"Are you late this month?"

"Now that I think about it yes."

"Do you want me to pick up a test for you?"

"If you want too."

"Okay bye Livy."


She is doing much better. She stopped throwing up. She is sleeping a lot better.

Fitz POV-

"Livy wake up lets take the test. We gotta make sure that your preggers baby!"

"Fitz you wanna have a baby?"

"Of course I do why wouldn't I?"

"I'm just making sure you want it if I am. Because I'm not sure if I do."

"Okay let me go take the test."

In The Bathroom: Olivia's POV-

'Okay let me take this test so we can find out. He convinced me that I do want this baby. Badly."

Jakes POV *this is the stalker guys! it all starts now*

Oh my gosh! She is having a baby? Why the HELL is she having a baby? Why isn't it my baby. I'm going to KILL Fitz. He deserves to DIE!

Back At The House -

"Has it been 5 minutes yet?"

"No Fitz it hasn't even been 2"

Olivia giggled.

"What about now?"

"No Fitz it hasn't! Now please SHUT UP before I start to cry!"

5 Minutes Later ... -

"Fitz go check I'm to scared to."

"Livy baby or no baby I love you."

"Okay. Now go check!"

A look of disappointment came across his face. Then he screamed!


"Fitz are we having this baby?"

"Livy, we are having this baby."

Jakes POV-

Yea right.

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