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Today is a day like any other day.

Nothing special.

Nothing new.

Same routine everyday.

Everything is always the same. My life has nothing special to it. It's just a normal boring teenager life.

Thoughts like these wander in my head every morning. Every time I wake up I feel there's no reason to. Life is not how people picture it filled with joy, it's quite the opposite in fact. Wishing I could change things around is all I ever think about, day and night but never seem to actually do so. I guess I'm afraid, afraid things won't work out as well as I would hope so. I never do things for the fun of it, always triple thinking everything and looking for every possible consequence. It's a bad habit of mine I probably won't ever overcome. It has affected me through out my life but that's something I now have gotten used to. Some may say the time period of being a teenager is the time you should enjoy the most. I say that's bullshit. I'm not an outgoing person, I don't go out as much as I should. I'm fearful.

I get up from my bed to stretch my arms and legs. An inhuman sound comes from my mouth as I do so. I check my alarm clock and it's 6:15am. I woke up 15 minutes earlier than my alarm. Something that happens all the time yet I always set it, it's a habit. I walk over to my window to look outside. The sky is still dark but the stars aren't visible.

I should get ready for school or I'll be late.

I grab my toiletries heading to my bathroom. I strip off my clothes getting in the shower. The floor tiles feel cool against my feet as I step in. I turn the tap on getting met with freezing cold water. Goosebumps rise all over my body and I turn the nob to hot water. The water slowly starts to change temperature and the goosebumps disappear. I get completely under the warm water and it soothes my muscles. I grab my shampoo squirting a medium amount in my hair, massaging it thoroughly. I wash it off then taking the bar soap to lather my body. I take my time under the water before stepping out of the shower. The cold air engulfs me and I quickly grab a towel wrapping it around my body. I wipe away the fog off the mirror and my reflection appears. I take the comb brushing out all the knots from my brown hair. I blow dry my hair putting into a high pony tail. I'm one who has never been the girl that stands out. I'm average looking and I'm okay with that. I quickly brush my teeth washing my face as well before exiting the bathroom.

Being in fashion has never been my thing. I do not wear tight, short skirts or crop tops that barely cover my chest or even shorts that don't even cover half of my butt. I like to wear what I feel comfortable in and doesn't expose too much of my body. I'm quite self conscious about it so I cover it at all cost. Also I don't think high school is a fashion show, you should feel comfortable in what you wear. Out of my closet I grab denim jeans and a grey jumper. I put my clothes on and slip on some sandals. I check the time and it's 7:30am. I grab my book bag and my phone heading downstairs. My mother has already made breakfast so I quickly grab a plate and eat.

"Good morning darling." She sweetly greets me and plants a kiss on the top of my head.

"Morning mother." I say after I swallow the food I have in my mouth. I finish my breakfast and head out starting to walk to my school since it isn't far away and I don't have car. I don't mind walking to places it gives me time to gather my thoughts. As though on a car you have other things to worry prier than your own thoughts.

The leaves are falling and the atmosphere is cooler. I admire the beautiful colours of the leaves that fly by because of the blowing wind. Only moments later the sign of my school comes into view and I enter through the gates. The parking lot is filled with different types of cars someday I wish to own. I enter the main corridor and it's filled with students walking around. I have small group of friends which consist of two other girls who have stuck by me since freshman year. It's finally our last year of high school.

I go to find my locker and take out the necessary books for the first period leaving in the unnecessary ones.

"Skyler!" Chelsea, my best friend, screams as she attacks me in a hug followed by Raina my other friend.

"Hi guys," I smile. A few seconds later they starts rambling about something that happened yesterday but I really don't pay attention. My thoughts are always somewhere else but they don't notice.

I look the other way and none other than Harry Styles is walking down the corridor. I have been classmates with him since the start of freshman year yet I have never had one conversation with him. Not one word has ever been exchanged between the two of us. I've noticed he is always on his own and never hangs out with anyone. I guess he enjoys his time alone. People usually call him a loner or a weirdo but I don't think he's weird at all. I've heard a lot of rumours about him but I never listen because nobody is ever an open book. I think you really have to get to know someone, know how they think or act, instead of just calling people names to satisfy ones emptiness inside. He walks past me not acknowledging anyone beside him. He blends in the crowd but for some reason for me he stands out. He has tousled curls that messily but perfectly lay on his head, long dark lashes that brush slightly the top of his cheeks as he blinks, they bring out his jade eyes which I myself think are captivating. He has a sharp jawline that compliments his tall and lean body and plump rosy lips. Never have I actually stopped and admired his features and he's quite attractive.

He gets to his locker and puts in his combination. I stare as he takes out a few books and notebooks before closing it shut. He turns around and faces my way. A smile appears on his face as he spots me. I realize I've been caught starring at him and quickly avert my eyes back to Chelsea. The bell rings signalling we have to get to our first period and students rush to their classes. I look back over to where Harry was but to my disappointment he isn't there anymore. Chelsea tugs at my arm and drags to me Literature class.

We arrive at our class and everyone has already taken seats. There are only a few seats available. Chelsea quickly takes the chair in the back so I go and sit on the chair in the middle which happens to be next to Harry. As I sit down he doesn't give any of acknowledgement and keeps starring out the window.

The teacher, Mrs.Breslin, walks in and takes attendance.

"Okay class I'm going to give you an assignment that will be due for the end of the semester. You will be paired up with a partner and will have to write a descriptive and detailed essay about each other. Spend a lot of time with your partner, get to know them, learn about their life, family, habits, etc." She explains and the class groans loudly.

"It will be worth 50% of your grade so if you want to pass my class I suggest you do it. Be creative, expand your vocabulary, go out of your comfort zone. I will be looking forward to hearing your essays as it is an oral report as well." She states and pushes her glasses to the bridge of her nose. I actually like to write, it's something that relaxes me so I guess this assignment won't be all that bad.

"I will be assigning your partners randomly so you'll get to know someone you don't normally talk to. And please actually put an effort in getting to know your partner." She comments lastly. She takes the attendance book and starts naming people out loud.

"Robert Preston will be paired up with Cindy Martinez."

"Raina Harries with Luke Robertson."

"Tom Baxter with David Young."

The teacher keeps naming random people as I space out looking outside. My thoughts are something I never speak out loud. I'm a pretty closed off person. I don't like sharing my emotions or anything like that. It's the person I've grown up to be and no one has even taken an interest so what's the point anyways, right. Sometimes bottling everything up isn't good but it's all I ever do. Except with writing so I'm looking forward to this assignment. Writing is the place I can escape to. I can create anything I want, I can make it how I want to be. My thoughts actually have a meaning when it's on paper and that's what I find so thrilling about writing.

I snap out of my thoughts as the teacher says something I never thought I'd ever hear.

"And last but not least Harry Styles and Skyler Benson."

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