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The city's buildings start to fade away as we drive out of civilisation. The road is isolated and trees start to fill my view. The sky starts clearing up but the sun is nowhere on site. Faint music comes from the radio filling in the air. A familiar song starts playing and I turn it up fully. (song is Heroes by David Bowie )

"I love this song." I gush.

"I, I wish you could swim. Like dolphins, dolphins can swim.

Though nothing, nothing can keep us together." I sing along bobbing my head.

"We can beat them, forever and ever." Harry sings along. A smile creeps up my face as the next verse comes along.

"Oh, we can be heroes, just for one day." We both sing laughing at the same time.

"I didn't think you'd know this song." I state.

"Of course I do." He says, his stare fixated on the road.

"It's from perks of being a wallflower." We chorus chuckling right after.

"I love that movie." I sigh sinking in my seat.

"The book is better though." Harry defends and I hum in agreement.

The songs keeps playing but I just hum to it looking out the window. We've been driving a solid twenty five minutes.

"Are we there yet?" I whine glancing at Harry.

"Patience is virtue you know." He chuckles and I roll my eyes.

After about five more minutes we arrive at a dead end. A forest is ahead of us. The wind blows slightly making the leaves blow all over.

"I knew it. You brought me here so you can finally murder me and dump my body where no one can find it." I act shocked.

"Dammit, you caught me. You're just too smart for me." He laughs. He gets out of the car and we start on our journey.

Walking through the forest seems like an eternity. As we get further in the more beautiful it gets. The grass is really green adorned by beautiful flowers, the trees swaying with the wind. It's a breathtaking site. Leaves crunch beneath my feet as I walk. The sky has completely cleared up and the sun is shinning beautifully.

"Here." Harry breaks the silence bending down and grabbing a vibrant daisy. He turns to me and places his hand on the side of my face, his rough and warm palm touching my cheek. He brushes with this other hand a strand of hair away from my face placing the flower on my ear. A smile is formed on my face as I look up at him. Our eyes connect momentarily, his green irises staring down on me. I awkwardly start to say something and his hand immediately drops. We keep on walking along side each other.

"How did you know I liked daises?" I question glancing at him quickly before looking up ahead.

"You seemed like a person who would like them, they're alive and vibrant." He speaks honestly.

"Well as a matter of fact, they're my favourite." I state. We finally stop walking as we reach a small stream. The water is a beautiful crystal blue as it flows through. It's so crystal clear you can see the bottom. Harry sits down on the edge and so do I. I sit a little bit too close to him, our arms brushing slightly but he doesn't complain.

"It's amazing." I happily sigh.

"I know right, so calm and peaceful. I found this place a couple years ago when I was a freshmen. I had all this stress of being a newbie and some other problems. One day I just decided to go where my legs could take me and I came upon this place. It's one of my favourite hide outs that I have." He confesses.

"Well I've already seen two of them, how many more do you have? A hundred?" I tease him.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." He smirks. I playfully roll my eyes. As I do so something catches my eye.

"Is that a rope over there?" I ask pointing behind Harry. He quickly turns his head in the direction I'm pointing before nodding his head.

"Do you want to get on it?" He looks at me.

"What?! Are you crazy?" I spit quickly.

"Yes I am." He winks and stands up brushing the dirt off of himself.

"C'mon." He offers me his hand and I hesitantly grab it. He pulls me to my feet directing me to the rope. My nerves start to kick in.

"I don't think this is such a good idea." I frantically say. Harry just chuckles before grabbing the rope.

"I'll go with you, ok?" He assures me. I slowly grab the rope, the roughness making contrast with my soft hands. We secure it on our hands tightly.

"Ready?" He asks me already knowing I'm scared shitless.

"R-Ready." I stutter. Not a second later he pushes off the edge and on the air above the water. The adrenaline rush comes to me and I try to keeps my eyes open. Once we reach the peak of the rope Harry screams.

"Jump!" And without a thought I jump flinging in the air along with Harry. I come down harshly, the cold water engulfing me completely. I swim to the surface gasping for air. He resurfaces after me also out of breath.

"Wow that was..." I trail off.

"So awesome!" I practically scream laughing afterwards.

"See, you were scared of nothing." He mutters.

I catch my eye on Harry's head realisation hitting me.

"My beanie!" I yell loudly looking around the water frantically. I spot at a far end something black.

"There." Harry and I say at the same time. He was quicker than me and beat me to grabbing the beanie.

"Here you go." He hands me it and I jump on him catching him by surprise.

"Thank you, thank you. This my favourite beanie, I'd die without it." I tightly hug him, his hands securely around my waist holding me up.

"We should get, um, going." He says and I nod sadly. I don't want to go, this place is incredible and peaceful. We swim to the edge Harry helping me up because of my lack of upper body strength. After we're both steady on our feet we start walking back to the car. The walk seems a lot more shorter than it was before. We get to his car fairly quick and in no time we're on our way back into town.

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