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The sunshine rays seep through my window curtains causing my eyes to open, rubbing them in the process to adjust to the new amount of light. I yawn while stretching my arms. A smile appears on my face remembering the events of last night with Harry. It's been years since I've woken up and I'm actually happy about it. I don't know what it is but yesterday it felt different. I felt emotion, happiness, fear, it wasn't bland. It wasn't like any other day, I actually enjoyed being out and about. It's been so long since I really enjoyed going out I almost forgot how it felt like, going out with my same friends isn't as fun as it used to be. Yesterday before going to sleep I wrote a lot about Harry and I's night on the roof top.

I walk into my bathroom and dispose of my clothes. I take a quick shower, remembering to shave. I step out soaking wet whilst grabbing a towel to dry myself. I brush my teeth and wash my face. I jog to my room to put on some clothes. I check the clock and see I'm late. I must of overslept, which is really rare on my case. I don't have time to comb my hair so I just throw a beanie on. I run down the stairs but not before grabbing an apple and a bottle of water from the fridge. I exit my house onto my journey to school. It's cloudy outside and fairly windy. I really hope it doesn't rain on me, I forgot my umbrella today.

I keep walking on my way to school until droplets of water fall on my head before it starts pouring, hard. Immediately my clothes get soaked and I start to shiver. I try to fasten my pace but not too much in case I slip and fall. Wouldn't be a pretty sight would it. I'm still ten minutes away from school and it seems it's not gonna clear up anytime soon.

Suddenly I hear a car honk repeatedly before the car parks beside me. I really hope it isn't a creepy rapist trying to kidnap me. The window rolls down to reveal a worried Harry. I sigh in relief when I see his familiar face. My salvation has come.

"Oh my god Sky get in, you're gonna get sick." Harry shouts over the loud splatter of the rain. I waste no time in opening the car door and getting in the warmth of his car. I'm still shivering and he turns up the heat.

"You want to tell me why you were walking in the pouring rain without an umbrella?" He asks, his stare fixed on the road as he drives.

"I forgot my umbrella. I don't have a car, so walking to school is my only option." I shrug.

"Well thank god I found you, hopefully you won't catch a cold." He sighs. I nod and my body starts warming up. We get to school in no time and Harry parks his car close to the entrance. He turns off the engine and turns to me.

"If you want I could drive you to school in the mornings and after? It's on my way home anyways." He offers and I smile at his kindness.

"Only if it doesn't trouble you." I say.

"It's no bother at all." He grins.

We both get out of his car quickly running inside the school. I laugh at Harry when he almost slips on the wet floor. He glares at me gaining his balance. We walk along each other down the corridor talking amongst ourselves. People give us weird glances which I chose to ignore and Harry doesn't even acknowledge. I spot my friends by my locker where they always are and he does too.

"I'll see you first period." He whispers in my ear and disappears in the halls. I didn't have a chance to respond. I walk over to my friends and they both give me a look.

"What?" I question. They both break into a smirk as they look at each other and back to me.

"Someone is extra happy today." Chelsea states. I rolls my eyes and open my locker.

"Oh come on you can't even deny it, that smile you have on your face says it all." Raina argues. I shrug acting like it's no big deal.

"So." I murmur.

"So you totally like him." She points at me.

"I barely know him." I do not like Harry. I know very little about him. Why would I even like him were just partners in this project.

"Oh yeah ok where were you last night? I called your house and you didn't pick up." Chelsea raises her eyebrow.

"Um just out getting some groceries." I horribly lie.

"You're a horrible liar, we know you were with Harry." I hate it when she's right. The bell rings and I mentally thank it. I scurry to first period trying to avoid anymore of the subject.

I enter homeroom and the seats are all occupied as always. How does everyone get here so fast. I take a seat in the back and spot Harry by the window gazing outside. A beanie holds back all of his curls, a knitted sweater adorns his upper body and he wears his usual black jeans. If I said he didn't look extremely attractive right now I'd be lying. Suddenly his head snaps in my direction and I quickly advert my eyes somewhere. Damn it why does he always catch me starring at him. I can see him from the corner of my eye with a smirk on his face.

The whole lesson consisted of me stealing glances at Harry while he wasn't looking though he would catch me sometimes, laughing to himself. The bell finally rings and I'm the first out the door to avoid any awkwardness between Harry and I. I walk down the hall, students bumping into me without even saying sorry or excuse me. Typical. A hard push makes my books drop to the floor and all my notes scatter everywhere. The person didn't even stop to help me. Rude much.

I start gathering my things mumbling some unholy words. A person kneels down and starts helping me. All I see are the persons shoes, black converse.

"Feels like déjà vu doesn't it." The persons raspy voice states. I instantly recognize it. I look up to meet his piercing green eyes. A laugh escapes my lips and I get up. He hands me some of my notes and I thank him. I start walking to my next lesson until a hand placed on my shoulder stops me.

"Wait Sky." I turn around.


"What are you doing after school? We should meet up, you know for project purposes." He asks me scratching the back of his head, a nervous habit I suppose.

"Sure." I smile.

"Cool." He sighs and bids me a goodbye. We walk in opposite directions and my mind wanders off to possible places we could go.


The day passes agonizingly slow and my foot taps impatiently as the last minute of the day is coming to an end. Finally the clock strikes 3pm and everyone starts piling out like wild animals. I push my way through and get to the parking lot without any harm done. I see Harry's car still in it's parking space but no sign of him. I sit down o
n the school steps. In a matter of five minutes the lot is empty not a soul to be heard. I hear footsteps coming down the steps and I stand up.

"You ready?" Harry grins.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I return the smile as we walk along each other to his car. We both get in and he starts the ignition backing out of the school's parking lot.

"So where are
we going this time?" I question looking out the window. It has cleared up a bit but it's still pretty cloudy.

"I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you." He smirks.


Short chapter I know but hey I updated

I'm sick which sucks so yeah bye

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