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"That's why you're all looking at me creepily? Because you want me to play? You guys scared me! I thought you all collectively devised a plan telepathically to throw me into the pond.

The boys looked at each other. "Our cover has been blown," Saif whispered. "I think now would be a good time to capture her before she tries to run away."

My eyes widened, and I looked at them in horror. I started to slowly back away from them."What?"

All the boys burst out laughing. "You should've seen your face!" Connor exclaimed. "It was priceless!"

My face warmed up and I was sure I looked like a tomato. I made eye contact with Lucas whose eyes were swirling with mirth. "So me playing soccer is as horrifying as it gets?" I asked.

"Yeah, wait do you not like soccer? Cause you don't have to play if you don't want to," Ian replied.

"I suppose I can... but I'm pretty sure you guys would play better with one less player instead of having me. Soccer is not my forte."

Mazin cocked an eyebrow. "You can't be that bad."


"Okay, maybe I underestimated your abilities," Mazin admitted after calling a two minute time-out.

"My abilities? You mean my lack of abilities."

"She's not that bad," Lucas spoke up, "she just didn't know which side to score on."

Mazin crossed his arms. "And scoring against your own team isn't considered being bad at soccer?"

"It was a pretty good shot. Even Ian couldn't block it."

I blushed. "It's okay Lucas, I know I suck."

"So what are we going to do?" Ian asked. "The score is 0-2 already."

"Well first we need to make it clear to Aspen where to score-"

"Mazin I know where to score now, that was just in the beginning," I interrupted.

"Okay but do you know who to pass to? You're not supposed to pass to the members of the other team," Mazin said, speaking slowly as if he were speaking to child. "You only pass to me, Lucas, and Ian. Wait scratch that- do not pass to Ian, okay? He's the goalie. Hey maybe that's why you scored for the other team because you knew that you're supposed to pass to your teammates but you didn't know-"

"Mazin!" I exclaimed, cutting him off again. "I know how to play. I was just confused in the beginning."

"Okay..." Mazin said doubtfully and in return I punched his arm.

"Ow!" he winced, rubbing his arm. "You may be a hopeless soccer player but you do have a strong arm..."

"That's because I play softball," I responded, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah okay, I'll keep that in mind so that I only invite you to play cricket and not soccer," Mazin muttered. I glared at him and raised a fist threateningly. He slowly backed away from me and refrained from making any more comments. I grinned in satisfaction.

Lucas matched my pace and we started to walk side by side. "You know he's just teasing you, right?"

I smiled at him reassuringly. "Yeah, I know."

"But seriously that was one hell of a shot. Are you sure you haven't played soccer competitively before?" Lucas asked, feigning suspicion as he narrowed his eyes.

I laughed. "I'm sure! Besides, doesn't me scoring on the wrong side cancel out that possibility?"

Lucas smiled. "Not that much."

"It might be the genes then. My dad was a soccer player."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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