Just one kiss..

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 Hey! This chapter might me a bit crazy..but hope you enjoy it! xx- Lily


I've woke up when I heard  Lisa whisper in my ear: wake up baby, it's in the middle of the day, she said and gave me a little kiss on the cheek. Shane: uuuuh I don't wanna. Lisa: Tell you what, I'll make you some breakfast and you can just lay here and relax for a while, ok? she said and smiled. Shane: This is why I love you, I said and gave her kiss. But as soon as my lips touched hers, I remembered Joey's lips pressing hard against mine. Lisa pulled away: Okay, I'll be back soon with some breakfast. She jumped of the bed and went away to the kitchen. This is hard, why can't I decide? Joey or Lisa, Joey or Lisa..

I heard my phone ringing, I picked it up from the night stand and it said "JOEY" I picked up fast:

Shane: Heey, I said slightly sexual. 

Joey: Heey boi, how you doing?

Shane: Just fine, a bit sore though.. I said lowering my voice a bit. 

Joey: Well I can imagine...So, I was wondering if I could se you today? He said hopefully.

Shane: I wanna se you but...

Joey: But what?

Shane: It's date night tonight, me and Lisa are going out. I felt so mean, I thought. 

Joey: Oh, okay alright..He said sounding disappointed. Look Shane I've haft to go, but text me.

Shane: Yeah of course, bye! 

Breakfast is ready Shane! I heard Lisa yelled from the kitchen. Alright, coming! I yelled back. 


Uhhhh Lisa, why does she always haft to ruin everything? Shane should be on a date with me not with her. Maybe I could stop the date? oh my god, I sound so desperate...but I kinda am. Know I jus need to think how. Ohh, I think have the perfect plane..

**It's around six O'clock and Lisa and Shane are on their way to the date**


Shane: So where do you wanna go? I asked Lisa.

Lisa: Oh, I forgot to tell you I made reservations at this romantic little italian place! She said.

Shane: that sounds...wait that's my phone ringing. I picked it up and it said *blocked ID*, I answered anyway. 

Shane: Hello? this is Shane, I said.

?: Hello, said a dark voice. This is you're neighbor you're dog is barking like crazy, I think there's something wrong with it...You might wanna come home and check on it asap. he said.

Shane: Really? Ok, I'm on my way. Thanks for calling! and which neighbor was this again? I asked. But the person had already hung up. 

Lisa: Who was that? she asked.

Shane: Our neighbor, apparently Corny is barking like crazy so I need to go home and check on her! 

Lisa: But Shane, we have reservations we need to be there in ten minutes! she said.

Shane: I'll just take a cab form here, you go to the restaurant and I'll come as soon as possible, ok? I said.

Lisa: Alright, but hurry! She said. 

She stopped the car and I jumped out.

*At shane's house*

I was outside my house, weird I don't hear any barking. I unlocked the door and went inside. It was completely dark inside, Corny? Corny I yelled. Well that's weird she usually comes running as soon as I enter the door. Then I remembered, Corny wasn't even home she was at my mom's house...but who was calling then? alright this is really fucking creepy I thought. Just as I was going to turn the light on I felt to big hands around my waist. I turned around fast, I know those hands. 

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