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Q: albus, what's your favorite thing about scorpius?

albus: everything

scorpius: you can't do that, it's not allowed

albus: finnee.... his hair is really soft and nice to run ur fingers through bUT would it be cheesy if i said his personality? yes? do i care? no? his cuddles are v good too

scorpius: good to know my cuddles are satisfactory


Q: scorpius, what's your favorite thing about albus?

scorpius: i love almost everything about that dork but if i had to choose one thing, i think i'd say his creativity and excitement about art. it's so pure watching him literally light up when talking about art or photography, he's like a little child. and even though most of the time i don't know half of the things he's talking about, i could listen to him ramble for hours

albus: and here i thought you were going to say my arse

scorpius: that too ;)


Q: author, what inspires you to write this?

- honestly, as cheesy as it sounds, you guys do. like every time i get a comment or a vote it makes me so happy and i think "okay people actually do want to read this" and i go and try to update :) btw i read every comment, even if i don't always reply and they always make my day


Q: rose, who's your favorite cousin?

rose: haven't we been through this? when lily announced that louis was her fav... oh my oh my do not pick favorites !!

lucy: that was like a shot to the heart tbh

lily: DON'T REMIND ME i had to fight fred twice

albus: i'm obviously rose's favorite cousin

rose: i'm closest with al, but roxanne is the only one i can stand for long periods of time tbh

albus: fight me roxanne


Q: teddy and victorie, where is your favorite place you went while traveling the world?

teddy: my favorite place was probably japan, though we didn't stay there for very long

victorie: japan was nice but i think my favorite place was jamaica. i love the ocean more than anything

james: more than me?

victorie: bugger off


Q: albus, when did you and scorpius get together?

albus: it was the summer after fifth year, in july

scorpius: july 24th 2021 to be exact

albus: nerd

Q: scorpius, who was the first to say 'i love you'?

scorpius: that's kind of hard to say because albus says 'love you' to everyone, he says it casually as a goodbye, or if someone does something for him he's like "OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU"

albus: that is true...

scorpius: but i'm pretty sure i said it first in the i'm-in-love-with-you way

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