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---Shehry's POV ---

At least we do not have to worry about hearing about marriage today.

The majority of the day will be spent at the fashion show.

I have invited the girls to come as well, since Hussain told me about who designed his outfit.

I thought I'd give him a surprise and plus, I'm sure she'd love to be a part of a fashion show, even if she is not in it.

Once everything was set we all gathered around for instructions by the person who runs the show.

The lights went down and we were up.

Only thing at the end of the runaway was to strike a pose.

---Nayana's POV ---

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---Nayana's POV ---

This wasn't my first fashion show, but I was so happy that I got to see my designs being modeled.

I was a bit nervous as well, since I'd hope that people would like it.

At the end, I decided to meet up with the guys, since Kiara could not make it.

The first person I saw was Hussain and I seriously wanted to thank him, but Kanika got there before me.

I still decided to go and thank him for modeling my design.

"Are you kidding? If I could, I'd have everyone where your designs," he said.

"That's so sweet of you. I really appreciate it," I said.

"Are you done? You can go now," Kanika said.

"How about you leave instead?" Hussain asked her.

I bit my tongue to keep from laughing.

She just looked at him and left.

"So what's her problem with you?" I asked.

"She's got a crush on me and I keep telling her to stay away from me, but she won't listen," he said.

"She's just like that," I said.

"Plus, I sort of like someone else," he said.

"Ooohh, who?" I teased.

"Well, I just met her not too long ago. Amazing person. Oh, and she's got a freaking attitude! That we need to work on," he said.

I laughed at that.

"Tell me who she is. Maybe, I can help," I said.

He looked at me as if I did not understand him.

He was going to say something when the other two guys joined us.

I decided to leave after a bit.

It was late in the evening when I got a text from Hussain.

The text just said one word, but it made everything clear to me.


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