Chapter One (Alyssa) Written by Jessica Ingro

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It was times like these when I really disliked my step-mother. The fact that she was forcing me to attend her son's going away party irritated me more than words could express. I had naively thought that moving into the dorms would save me from these types of shindigs.

There were fraternity parties tonight that were sure to be epic in nature and I was stuck going home to try and be someone I wasn't. Ramona Stevenson was constantly trying to get us to be more familial with each other, but I didn't sign on for a brother so a brother I was not going to have. Plain and simple.

Besides, if it wasn't for the fact that my father adored her, I would have written Romana off a long time ago. She was overly affectionate and seemed far too eager to replace my mother. Not that my mother was anything to write home about, but she was still my mother.

Rounding the house into the backyard of our cape cod, I squint against the glare of the setting sun. Spotting my father next to the bonfire my uncle Ken was building, I headed that way hell bent on making the rounds and getting back to fraternity row before all the hot guys in Alpha Sigma Phi were taken. They were the cream of the crop as far as my friends and I were concerned and there was no better way to start off the semester than bagging one.

"Alyssa," my dad called out, reaching for me and pulling me into a big bear hug. He smelled of vanilla pipe tobacco and Sam Adam's beer. It always made me smile.

"Hi, Dad." I snuggled into his embrace, comfortable with reverting back to being a little girl whenever in his presence.

"How's my pumpkin? You all settled in at your dorm?"

"Yeah. My roommate, Dawn, is pretty cool so I can't complain. Hey, Uncle Ken." I smile down at my uncle who was kneeling by the fire, tossing logs in at an impressive rate.

"Hey, Lyssa," he responded before standing up and ruffling my hair. "I'm going to get another beer. You guys want anything?"

My dad asked for a beer, while I opted for a rum and Coke, heavy on the rum. I was going to need it to get through this lame ass party unscathed and I knew Ken always delivered.

Sipping on my drink while my dad talked to some friends, I looked around the backyard at the mixture of family, both blood and step. I spotted Ramona in her Donna Reed type dress playing hostess. Her red hair was pulled back into a bun as she laid out more deviled eggs. She was pretty in a "I don't need makeup" kind of way. Too bad it all went to hell whenever she spoke.

The cruel thought made me snicker. Maybe I shouldn't have asked for that refill. The oversized glass Ken used was large enough to hold a whole bottle of wine. The fact that he filled it nearly to the brim should have had me concerned. Especially since I was pretty straight laced over the summer thanks to the extra classes I took to help finish my masters a year early.

Taking another sip of my drink instead of pulling back like I should since I wanted to drive back to campus soon, I continued my people watching. When I spied my step-brother, Matt, sitting up on the rise overlooking our property, I cocked my head to the side. In an uncharacteristic act, I wondered why he was by himself instead of mingling at his own party.

My feet made the decision to move before my brain could catch up and I found myself working my way through the crowd and up to where he sat with his chin in his hand like he was contemplating how the world came to be. His eyebrows were drawn and partially hidden behind his dark framed glasses. His brown hair was tousled like he'd run his hands through it a time or two. And he was wearing a blue t-shirt and khaki shorts.

I always thought Matt looked like he belonged on Big Bang Theory with his nerd-chic style. It worked for him, even if I didn't like to admit it. And ironically enough, he was going to college to be a physicist or some shit like that so I guess I wasn't too far off the mark.

"Why are you sitting up here all by yourself?" I asked as I plopped down on the grass next to him.

"Why do you care?" He replied, his gaze never leaving the party below.

"I have no idea," I answered honestly and continued to sip my drink. To be honest, it wasn't as if we had many heartfelt talks when I lived with them. Hell, we barely spoke at all. Matt and I ran in totally different crowds. Our circles never connected and I never really made an attempt. Like I said, I never asked for a brother.

"So are you going to tell me?" I prodded after several minutes of uncomfortable silence.

"You wouldn't understand," he said with a solemn shake of his head.

"Why don't you try me?" What I was doing actively trying to get involved in Matt's life, I had no idea.

With a heavy sigh, he gave me a sideways glance and bit his lower lip while carefully considering if he wanted to share anything with me. I have no clue what sealed the deal for him, but he eventually spoke.

"Serena fucked me over."

"Who's Serena?"

"No one now." The sad way he said it had me feeling a little overprotective of him.

"Do you want me to kick her ass?" My righteous indignation over a girl who wouldn't give him the time of day did not register on me as being hypocritical at all. You can thank the booze for that. I know in the days that followed I'd be cursing and thanking that booze... A lot.

Matt let out a chuckle and shook his head. The movement made a piece flop down over his forehead. I found my fingers itching to brush it back and I had to stop myself from following through.

"Nah. She isn't worth your time."

"Well obviously you thought she was something before tonight. Why don't you tell me what happened?" I scooted a little closer to him and nudged him with my shoulder. "Your secrets will be safe with me."

"I don't know," he hedged.

"Come on," I cajoled him. "You never know, I might be just the person to help you solve your problems."

I had no idea how right that statement would be or how much I would love solving his... problem.

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