-23- Prt. 1

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Third Person's POV

Ashton was sitting in his room thinking about what Luke's "surprise" was. He wasn't thinking that much of it since he thought he wanted to show him something or at least something like that.

While Luke on the other hand was losing his shît about this whole "asking out plan". Him, Michael, and Calum had gotten the plan together and know what they all have to do. Michael and Calum were calm about it. But they were freaking out that this was the first time that THEY had actually met before.

All three of them were chilling at Luke's house before the big plan was put into action. They had about 2 hours before they needed to leave and get things ready for it so they were in Luke's room laying around listening to music. Luke one the other hand was playing his guitar to take his mind off it.

"Hey Luke you ok?" Calum asked.

"Yea why?"

"You're playing your guitar really hard. And you always do that when you're nervous. I mean don't get me wrong it sounds really good but you're playing it a little to hard." Calum said. Luke gave him a questioning look and Calum pointed to his forehead. Luke brought a hand up to his forehead and felt that he was sweating. Wow, Luke thought to himself, I don't sweat that much when I play the guitar.

"Oh wow. I guess I should probably stop and shower now. I'll be out in about 15 minutes." Luke said getting up and heading to the conjoined bathroom in his room. When he walked in the bathroom Michael and Calum looked at each other.



"How ya been?" Calum asked nervously. Trying to start a conversation.

"Um good. You?" Michael responds.


"That's good."

After a few minutes of silence, Michael speaks up again. "Calum, can I tell you something?"

"Sure" Calum responds

"I think you're cute.." Michael says looking down at the ground.

Calum blushes at this then says," I think you're kinda cute too.." Michael looks up at Calum and smiles. Calum smiles back and they both blush.

At this time Luke had walked out of the bathroom and raised an eyebrow at the two blushing boys. "Um what happened in here?"

"NOTHING" they both say at the same time. Luke raised another eyebrow but let it slide. "Ok whatever. Now can you both get up and let's get going? It's time to go get things set up!"

A/n- ok Ik I said 2 hours but whatever. Just imagine that Luke spent 30 minutes in the shower and the rest getting ready in the bathroom. Okay? Okay.

So there's gonna be a part two cause I'm evil like that. 😂😂 anwaaayyyyy yea.

That might be up later tonight or maybe tomorrow or maybe next week or maybe next month you never know. I might just leave it on this and let y'all suffer.


sorry had to do that. lol. I'm trash. Kay bai. But does anyone have an idea of what the "plan" is yet? Cause I have a great idea. Hehehheehhe

Okay bai for real now

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