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Let me tell you about a story of how one fine summer day I, a boy with thick black rimmed glasses and unruly dark hair once met an innocent girl with big gray eyes and dazzling red hair.

It was like any other day. 

It was summer.

The sun was up high,  the morning breeze was cool, the mood was up.

Children enjoyed the weather as I walked pass the park on my way to the market to run some errands my lazy mom wanted me to do when something caught my eyes.

Amongst the rich greens that covered three fourth of the place was a glimmering red hair tangled in twigs and leaves.

It was nothing much really, it might have only been delinquent teenagers doing things unimaginable but as I crossed by that part only to prove me wrong.

It-- rather she was no delinquent as I see, instead I saw a girl around my age by the way she dressed.

I sneaked behind the big oak tree near her as I silently watched her small frame.

She looked so helpless. She had her head down, her small hands covered her face as she sat on the grass.

The more I look at her the more she looked like an angel that just fell from the heavens if it weren't for the faint sobs that erupted from within her.

I bet she's as beautiful as she looked, her hair was up in a messy ponytail with a red ribbon clipped on the tie which I said earlier is tangled to the bush, her hair, it was a rich crimson hue, and her skin it was as pale as snow. She was wearing a royal blue sundress with a hint of yellow that showed half of her legs. It might have been a coincidence that she wore something close to Snow White's gown but nobody would know in fact the colors suited her best. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2016 ⏰

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