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Pairing - Natasha x Fem!Reader

Request - Anonymous said: "Number 128, Scarlett Johansson and fem!reader thank you :)"

Warnings - messy writing, swearing, F/F, mentions of drinking, kind of? drunk!nat, fighting but not really?, fluffy ending, calling nat "the redhead"a lot (oops), i think that's it

Word Count - 1,038

A/N - I turned this into a nat x fem!reader instead because I was having trouble writing the prompt for Scarlett, I hope that's okay! I also have no idea where I planned on going with this, I just kept writing until I ran out of things to say so it's all over the place.


"What do you mean you're not going?"

"Nat, c'mon. I've been working long shifts every day for the past week and a half. I want to rest." She rolls her eyes, a deep frown on her lips. "I know that, which is why I want you to come with me. We don't have to dance or anything, we can just sit on one of the lounges and have some beers."

Y/N lets out a low sigh, "I'm sorry, Love. Maybe some other time?" Natasha just scoffs, muttering a whatever under her breath, before turning on her heel to walk out the door.

Letting out a frustrated groan, Y/N walks to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water, before heading to the bedroom. Turning on Netflix and getting into bed, she turns off the lights and bring the covers up to her chin before turning on some random show and slowly falling asleep.


Y/N jolts awake to the sound of the front door being slammed against a wall. Grabbing her phone, she not only realizes it's 4 in the morning, but she has 3 missed calls and countless messages from her obviously drunk girlfriend.


I miss youu

It's no fun without you here

Come down to the party, I wanna dance with you

Are you asleep?

I'm coming back up. You better be ready to cuddle.

Natasha liked to keep her PDA to a minimum, even when they were just chilling on the couch watching movies. That is unless she's drunk. No one would ever tell her that though, except for Y/N. She loved teasing her favorite redhead about how clingy and needy she gets when she's drunk, much to Nat's dismay.

Getting up from the bed, Y/N walks out to the living room to see her lover sprawled out on the floor, with the door wide open, trying to wriggle out of her dress.

"Babe, do you want some help?" Giggling at the redhead's antics, Y/N goes to shut the door.

"No. Not from you."

The giggles stop, a frown replacing the small smile on Y/N's face. "What's that supposed to mean?" Nat turns her head to look at her girlfriend, "You didn't come to the party with me. I had to get drunk all by myself because you didn't want to have a little fun."

Closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose, Y/N lets out an annoyed huff. "We're not doing this again."

"What do you mean again?"

"You got mad at me before you got wasted. I didn't argue then, and I sure as hell am not going to argue now." Her voice stays surprisingly calm, despite the annoyance running through her veins.

Y/N starts to walk towards Natasha, leaning down to help her finish getting out of her clothes. "Don't touch me. We're fighting." Y/N rolls her eyes. "No Nat. YOU'RE fighting. I'm trying to keep you from ruining your dress." She finally gets the dress off before moving down to take off her heels. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

"I don't want to go to bed."

Obviously exhausted over her girlfriend's drunken hissy fit, Y/N retorts, "Fine. You're still going to get dressed, but I'll take you to that little cafe you love."

Natasha lets out a squeal as she practically sprints to their shared room. "Can we get that one dessert? You know, the one with the ice cream and cherries and chocolate?" Y/N lets out a chuckle, "You mean the one we shared on our first date?"

The redhead flashes her widest grin, "That's the one!"

"Of course, but you need to get dressed, and not in anything dressy. This isn't a date, you're drunk and I'm taking care of you."

Nat just shrugs her shoulders, opting for her favorite hoodie and leggings, not bothering to put on any socks before lacing up her sneakers. "Are you ready?" She stands up, almost face planting in the process, before wrapping her arms around Y/N's neck. Pressing her lips against it gently, she hums, enjoying their embrace.

"C'mon Love, we should get there while it's still quiet. Don't want your pretty little head to explode after all that alcohol."

Natasha softly smacks her arm at that before lacing their fingers together.


"This place is always so warm and cozy, I want to stay here forever."

Y/N lets out a small giggle, taking a sip from her hot chocolate. "I know, you say that every time we come here." Nat looks out the window, watching the tiny snowflakes fall softly against the ground before speaking. "You remind me of the snow."


"You're so delicate, and soft, and pure." A small smile forms and she turns her head towards the woman she loves. "Snow used to remind me of Russia, the place I used to call home," she glances down at her plate, unable to make eye contact. "The snow has always reminded me of home, which is why it reminds me of you."

Her eyes trail up to look into Y/N's. "You're my home." She cocks her head ever so softly, "You make me feel safe and loved. You are all I've ever wanted and I'm lucky to call you mine."

Y/N's smile has yet to cease as the tears begin to fall, "I love you so damn much you know that Romanoff."

"Would you believe me if I said I love you more?"

"Not a chance. No one could love someone as much as I love you." Natasha chuckles, "You're so cheesy." Y/N grabs her hand, kissing her knuckles softly, before leaning in and whispering, "and yet you love me."

The Russian mumbles, "Damn right I do," before closing the gap between them. Her lips softly pressing against Y/N's, moving slowly, passionately. She pulls away, but is swiftly brought back, the kiss becoming more intense. The two girls pouring all of their love into it.

Finally breaking away, both smiling at each other, they intertwine their fingers together before paying for their food and drinks.

As they walk outside, there's a thin layer of snow covering the entire sidewalk. Nat pulls Y/N close, kissing her forehead. "I love you. So fucking much."

"I love you too."


A/N - I also just realized this story really doesn't have anything to do with the title, but I like the title anyways so I'm keeping it?

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