Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

For the rest of the car ride, I kept my eyes glued to the window. Their make out session was starting to get on my last nerves. I mean how old are they,  19. It's childish and annoying and I couldn't even hide my happiness when the driver announced we had arrived. I ran out the car and to the door, when I realized I didn't have keys and was going to have to wait for them to get out.

" I'll have your key made tomorrow babe "  Cameron said as he was walking towards the door and I was about to say thanks when I realized he wasn't talking to me, he was talking to Sarah.

I started to get angry how was she going to get keys after one day with him and I've been living for three weeks with this douche bag and I can't even get in.

As soon as the door was unlocked, I rushed in and went straight to my room.

' Why am I  so angry ' I thought to myself, ' I need to focus on my career not on who my boss is sleeping with '

Before I could think anymore, my stomach started to grumble and I was debating on whether or not I was going to leave my room and take the chance of seeing them when Cameron walked in and leaned in on the door way, he was standing there and staring at me.

" Did you need something " I snapped

" Maybe " he said back

" Well " I replied getting even more agitated

" Sarah is hungry " he stated

" Okay then get her something to eat "

" Usually I would have my chef do it but she's on maternity leave right now and so I would have to go somewhere and I don't feel like leaving again so go figure what she wants and get it for her " he demanded while handing me thirty dollars.

" No, who said I want to leave out "

" Either you go get the food or your fired "

I rolled my eyes , grabbed the money and went to the kitchen to ask Sarah what she wanted.

" What do you want " I

" Um lets see, I want something from sub way and for you to stop flirting with Cameron " she replied

" The only person flirting with him, is you " I said and walked away before it turned into an argument.

Not wanting to get her anything, I walked back to my room and bumped into Cameron.

" Did you find out what she wanted " he asked

" Yeah, she said she wanted me to stop flirting with you " I stated

" Interesting and how did that accusation make you feel " he replied

" What do you mean, how did that make you feel. I feel outraged and annoyed. I just want to be left alone till the morning, so why don't you make your new little girlfriend dinner " I snapped

" So in other words your jealous " he smirked

"  No did you not just hear me, I'm annoyed "

" Your annoyed because you can't get over the fact that your jealous " he continued

" You know what, I'm just gonna head to my room and go to sleep " I said and tried to walk around him but he blocked me.

" If it makes you feel better I'll take her home " he whispered

" Please do " I whispered back a and started to feel myself calming down at the thought of her leaving soon.

" Only if you agree to go with me to my fathers dinner " he stated

" I thought your brother said  I was his date "

" You were and you're my date "

" No, I'm not some slut you can just pass around " I said starting to get angry

" I never said you were a slut " he said

" But you implied it " I replied getting angry again

" How, not once did I say you were a slut "





Before he could finish Sarah walked in and said " Why are you guys arguing like two year olds. I thought you were more mature that this Sam. Come on Cameron let's go up to your room" 

" I think it's time for you to go " he said politely to Sarah

" B-but I thought " she stammered

" What ever you were thinking, I don't want to hear about it, call a taxi and go home Sarah " Can said

" Fine, I guess I'll see you at work " she said and walked away.

I started my way to my room when Cameron said " I'm sorry "

" For what "

" Please don't make this hard " he begged

" Make what hard " I teased

" My apology "

" Okay, I forgive you " I said and pulled him into a big hug him.

We stayed in our hug for way to long and finally Cameron said " I told myself I wasn't going to do this "

" Do what " I asked confused

" This " he said and pulled me into a warm passionate kiss. I wanted to pull away but I couldn't, so instead I kissed him back.

" We can't keep doing this " I whispered

" Stop being so gorgeous and maybe we wouldn't " he said and started kissing down my neck.

" Stop " I said and slowly pulled him off of me " Go call Sarah "

" But I want you " he said seductively

" But you cant have me "

" Why can't i have you " he demanded

" Because I don't mean anything to you besides being your assistant  and I refuse to participate in your games for two"

" Who said that's all you are to me. Sam the second I saw you, i knew I wanted you. I was only with Sarah so you would become jealous "

" I just, I don't know if this is right " I told him

" It doesn't have to be right " he whispered in my ear

" Your my boss and nothing more " I replied and quickly walked to my room before he could say anything else.


Authors note:

Here's an update for you guys. I'm sorry it took so long but I had like ten test this week and I can't afford to fail any of them. Anyways thanks to my two readers who are reminding me to update without those two there probably wouldn't be an update this week and I'll dedicate my next two chapters to them. Also what do you guys think so far, does any ever read my notes and Who is your favorite character ? Please answer those questions in the comments. Also if you have any ideas for next chapter please let me know because sometimes I have writers block.

( by sometimes I mean a lot ).

Thanks for reading,







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